Another Authorized User Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AJ, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. AJ

    AJ Active Member

    I was recently added to 2 credit cards as an AU by a family member. CITIBANK took my ssn number and said they report. Discover did not take any ssn number.

    Neither cards have shown up on the CRA reports yet even though the company said they would report.

    I am in a time crunch while shopping mortgages.

    I am wondering, can I can request that the CRAs add them??

    Can/should I purchase the Rapid Rescore to do this?



    ===== UPDATE
    I asked 2 CRA's to add the AU accounts to no avail and they referred me back to the OCs. The OCs said there was NO way to expedite the listings. They "report at the end of each month and it ususally takes 30 days"
  2. ss101

    ss101 Member

    I know that Amex will report it, but I don't know about the ones you have. If you don't have all your credit card balances as low as possible, that is your best course of action for really fast improvement. I was shocked at the differences your outstanding balances have on your credit scores. Shocked.
  3. AJ

    AJ Active Member

    AU reporting

    I called the OC's and asked for the AU accounts to be added but they both said they report at the end of this month.

    Well today they showed up on Experian only and my score was boosted over 60 points and wow.

    Now I just wish Equifax and TRU would post quickly. Do you think Discover and CITI cards only report to EXPERIAN?


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