My husband has one other duplicated account and since itâ??s different than the collection account, I need to ask. First listing of the account is as follows: Joint account (itâ??s also on my CR as an O9 same as his) date opened: 01/95 last activity: 07/96 balance:0 date reported: 01/01 (I paid it) My credit report does *not* have this second listing: Directly below it is the same company, DIFFERENT account number date opened and last activity is the same but the date reported is 08/98. Status is O5 balance is 203.00 Months reviewed: 21 This one says it is an *Individual* account Previous payment history: 1 time 60 **12** times 90+ days late Previous status: 11/97-O5;10/97-O5; 09/97-O5 Collection account Utility I think this second account listing is really killing his credit? Report since it comes up as so many 90 day lates? How should I handle this? Can I dispute both these duplicates at the same time but two different letters?
You can send all his disputes on one letter. Dispute both accounts as "not mine" and maybe they'll both get deleted. If not, then dispute the duplicate one. If they don't get disputed on the first round, you may try writing a letter to the creditor about that duplicate account (send it certified return receipt) and demand they "prove it or remove it"
I have a stupid question Are these accounts yours? If so, they why dispute as not mine. That's doesn't seem fair. Was this account 12 times late for 90+ days? If there is a duplication then work from that and get it corrected to show paid. But, your credit history is just that... a history of how we paid our bills over the last 7 to 10 years. My opinion for what it's worth.... Yes you should dispute duplicates and any incorrect data, but one things always bothers me. It doesn't seem fair sometimes that people seem to want everything negative to just go away after they have paid the account. That wouldn't be an accurate view of your history with this account. Judy
Re: I have a stupid question Thank you for your response. I was never billed (I called the companies listed several times) they had my correct address when I moved AND one of the companies I've had other open accounts with for the last 12 years--even the whole time they were apparently trying to "collect" a debt. As soon as I found out about these issues, I corrected them. *I* contacted them. They in turn lied about what they could do to me, how they could handle the account, etc. That is not right or is it fair. Nor is it "accurate"
Re: I have a stupid question My opinion for what it's worth.... . It doesn't seem fair sometimes that people seem to want everything negative to just go away after they have paid the account. That wouldn't be an accurate view of your history with this account. LEAVING it on is even more inaccurate!
In response to Judy's post... It also doesn't seem fair that a collection agency can put whatever they want on AnnMarie's credit report when they don't even have any documentation to prove it. When a company puts something on your report they have to be able to furnish proof if disputed. If not, it gets deleted. Whether it's fair or not, that's the law. That's the nature of the collection business. To balance that *unfairness*, beleive me, collectors pull a lot of unethical illegal crap. Is it fair that they reported the negative info twice and that possibly caused her to be turned down for credit? Is it fair that AnnMarie has to spend her time correcting THEIR mistakes on her credit file? ======================================= From Judy's post: "It doesn't seem fair sometimes that people seem to want everything negative to just go away after they have paid the account. That wouldn't be an accurate view of your history with this account."
Re: In response to Judy's post mvfl. You are correct. It's not fair for Ann Marie's report to show duplicates. By all means anyone having these should fight to get them removed. I have fought, and been successful at removing the duplications while the original account remains. If you have a duplicate account by all means fight like hell to get it removed. But starting with a not mine defense seems a little shady. Sure if they don't care or have the time to verify it comes off. But not because it's right, just because of a technicallity. My questions to Ann Marie was whether that late pays were right. If I read her response right (forgive me Ann Maire if I get this wrong) they didn't bill her even after she corrected her address several times. That sucks. It's not fair. However, if no payments were received then that fact is correct. What is in dispute is how they ended up that way. Ann Maore should have the right to let anyone know that the company screwed up. I believe you can do that with a letter attached to your file or a comment in the tradeline. My whole point was that the history of your payments should be just that. The actual history. If I get a cc and don't pay for 2 years, then pay it off. They have every right to say it's a $0 balance, but she didn't pay for 2 years. See my point? Judy
Re: In response to Judy's post I see your point, BUT we all know that in FICO-driven lending it's extremely rare for any human to read any comment you add to your report. As for the Utility company reporting her payment history - NO, they did not report her true entire payment history. They only reported the LAST bill that went unpaid, not the other montly payments that were paid on time. Fair?