Another FNANB increase

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Mar 29, 2002.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Seems like it is quarterly now. What I like most is the fact that it is automatic. I have never called them to ask for an increase.

    Automatic limit increases and APR reductions for good payment history, are good incentives to keep a card. A card that frankly, (now that I am in a better credit neighborhood), I would have probably considered closing by now.

    They waived all yearly fees when I first got the card, and lowered my APR after a couple months, increase my limit by 50% quarterly. Nice card, anyone considering a good credit building, starter card should look at FNANB.

    -Peace, Dave
  2. dm4x

    dm4x Active Member

    Hey Nave,
    Whats your current APR? I am new with FNANB (3 months) and still on the somewhat high end at 15%.
    I had 0% anything purchased in March for 3 months. No annual fee. Noy to shabby for someone still in sub-prime.
  3. dm4x

    dm4x Active Member

    Meant to say: NOT TOO shabby....
    Had one too many .. and missed my keys there..
  4. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    That is where I am, 15.9 (my original was 19+) but I am thinking of calling to ask for another reduction since they are my highest APR, but as I said, I like the treatment. I will call next week and let you know the outcome.

    How did you get that 0%? Was it a promotion, or did you call and ask?

    I agree, not too shabby! So you like them too?

    -Peace, Dave
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Ya'll are saying that it is a subprime card what kind of score do you need and who do they pull? Charlie
  6. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    For me they pulled Equifax. Here is what I had at the time. You can see scrolling up, that "yes" they offer sub prime cards.

    BTW after reading that post, they now have an excellent online payment system and they post payments faster than any of my other online payments do (24 hours I think)

    -Peace, Dave
  7. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    FNANB is a good bank to do business with. Very generous with CL increases- but 15.9% (as of 2 months ago) was the absolute lowest rate they'd go to.

    It's not quite sub-prime- more like almost-prime.

  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I just got the 3 month 0% offer on purchases today. I was hoping it would allow transfers but 0% on purchases is I just got the increase. FNANB will be my April card.

    -Peace, Dave

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I wish some of my PRIME cards would increase my CREDIT LIMIT by 50% (4) times per year...


  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Yea George, my FNANB card is less than 1 year old. I started with a $300 (toy) limit.

    Went to $500, then to $700, and now is $1200. Again in less than 1 year. 3 increases each about 50%.

    By the year 2012 I figure it will be around $23,000,000 LOL

    -Peace, Dave
  11. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Do they have a site to apply online? Is it a secured card?
  12. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Their website is

    It looks like their online applications system is down but you can call them and apply over the phone. I received my application in the mail. When I just looked at their website (products section) the card that "looks like mine" (from their pictures) is the Mastercard, only mine is a Visa.

    No this is NOT a secured card. If you have really sub-prime reports, I would call first and ask what their requirements are (like no bk or no c/o in last 2 years etc)

    -Peace, Dave

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