Hi All, First let me say this is a great forum, I have been lurking for the last few weeks and trying to figure out how I should attack a particular issue on my Credit Report. I have ding on both my Experian and Equifax from a Fry's Electronics/First Electronic bank credit card I had. I do admit being late paying them but here is the thing Experien reports 60 days late and Transunion is reporting 90 days late, sux that this was over $136. So the steps I have taken so far are 1. Challenge with the CRA, both came back as verified 2. Call Fry's in attempt to have this removed...no luck 3. Sent goodwill adjustment letter based on the one found here...no luck So based on my credit score this is hitting me pretty hard, EX 687 , EQ 682 and TU 721. I am trying to re-fi my house so I am trying everything I can to be 720+ accross the board... Can anyone provide any suggestion on next steps? Thanks for reading this.. House66