While I was currently deployed I got a bill for one of my cards that went into collections so I paid it off...checked my credit report and only the collections is there, not the original creditor...why would one never report it to the credit bureaus and with that being said can I get that collections taken off??
Exactly how does the entry read? When you say 'deployed' do you mean being activated? If that is the case doesn't the S&S Act kick in? Might be something to run by a JAG officer. Most companies would remove the negative entry to avoid the bad press and show they support the troops.
I am in active duty but we got deployed to the gulf in support of oif. The s & s is tricky to a degree but I new the debt was mine and just wanted to get it taken care of (it has to deal with a clearance issue). But the oc is not listed on my account just the creditor. JAG and Navy Legal wont do anything to help, believe it or not. I'm just curious how I go about getting the collections account erased.
OK, I see this isn't sexy enough for JAG. Tell me... a) how does the entry read? b) what is the amount? c) when did you pay it? d) which report is it on? e) are you still deployed?
No I am not deployed, been home since November but I am still in a deployable status. Here as it is on my CR. Equifax: This is an installment account on my cr. Name: AAC CITIBANK-******* Type: Collection Condition: Open (Paid) Responsibility: Individual Pay Status: Late 120 Days Date Opened: Date Reported: 03/2004 Balance and Limit: Balance of $0 Payment and Terms: High Balance: $500 Past Due: Remarks: Collection accountPaid account/Zero Balance TU: This is reported as collections Name: Asset Acceptance Creditor Name: ASSET ACCEPT Account No.: ********* Original Creditor: CITIBANK Responsibility: Individual Condition: Paid Original Balance: $500 Balance: $0 Date Opened: 03/05/2002 Date Reported: 06/19/2004 Remarks: Placed for collection Nothing on Experian. It has been paid off and is closed. Any ideas?
You could try the "not mine" route....they may not bother verifying since it's paid....too much time, effort and Money on their part....worth a shot and then going from their....good luck