Another SOL question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kidujp, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. kidujp

    kidujp Member

    I read a lot on the topic of SOL and some of the stuff that I have read has confused me over 1 point :

    Which state's SOL is valid in one's case for Credit card debt - the one where the person is living and obtained credit or the state where the original creditor is located ?

    for eg) I got a credit card from Citi bank( located in SD where the SOL is 6 years ) while living in CO (where SOL is 3 years) and I continue to live in CO - never living in any other state. So my question would be :

    1) - which SOL is applicable in my case - the CO one or the SD one?

    EDIT : checked the FDCPA pdf and found that the case shall be filed in CO. Did I get that right?
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Unless CO statutes say otherwise, CO law applies.
  3. kidujp

    kidujp Member

    Thank you... This is what I figured but still wanted to clear it.


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