Well, it takes so long to hear back from CAs and the CRAs that I frequently get frustrated. Tonight I sat down and listed all of the derrogs on all three reports as of Oct. 15 when I first pulled my reports. Then I listed where I am currently and I am really amazed at the progress. I'm going to bookmark this post to remind myself whenever I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast..lol. Experian - In short: Started with 12 derrogs and obtained 6 deletions and one change to a positive status, leaving five derrogs. I'm confident four of the five left will come off within the next round of disputes. TransUnion Started with 11 derrogs and obtained 6 deletions and one changed to positive status leaving me with four derrogs left. One of the Charge Offs should come off in the next round and one falls off naturally in September and another in January if I don't manage it sooner. Equisux - I'm stealing that name because it suits them. Started with 18 derrogs with 8 deletions, 2 deletions waiting to update and one change to positive status waiting to update leaving me with 6 derrogs. Not to bad for a newbie, huh? L
My scores???? NADA!!!! Up 20 on TU...actually DOWN about 30 on EXP and I have no clue what I started with for EQ, but it couldn't have moved far seeing as how it is only mid to upper 500's. :::sigh:: I just keep thinking about that sig line someone has...something about "clear it and they will come"? LOL L
That is great progress. I am really impressed gives me hope. I'm a newbie and I have a looong way to go.