any clues?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kell393, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    ok, remember yesterday i was so excited about finally making it into the 500 club? i thought the 29 point jump was due to FCNB reporting a new CC. well i just got some investigation results and only one deletion but i had re-disputed GULF STATES and next to their name it says REVIEWED. so i go to creditexpert and GULF STATES IS GONE!! what does it mean? does anyone think they will reinsert it again like last time (it was deleated once then they gave me the we recieved new info line and it was reinserted) but now its gone and it says "reviewed". what does it mean? i'm goin crazy!!! kelly
  2. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    Re: any clues? OOO OOO!!

    also my results are dated 1/24/02 and today is the 25th soooo.. will my score change again? i'm dyin' here!!
  3. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Re: any clues? OOO OOO!!

    I don't know anything about the score change, but I can tell you that anytime I get an update from EXP that says "reviewed" the item is deleted.

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