any hospital bill insights would be welcome

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dvdbrett, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. dvdbrett

    dvdbrett Active Member

    someone without insurance shows up at the er and this person states that they do not have insurance. they are sick and delirious and sign what they have to. they are treated to the royal tour of all possible tests and consultations and anything else they can be billed for before recovering and being told that it was nothing serious of some indeterminate origin.

    then, a month later, the bills start coming.

    they have a financial aid program for which this person does not qualify, and dont otherwise negotiate.

    are there any other options? How aggressive are they in putting items on the credit report/going to collections?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2008
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Personally, I would find out what's allowable for those charges for one of the larger plans with the more powerful negotiating positions. Then I would send each provider the amount that insurance would have paid them with a notation like "allowable amount in full and final settlement of Account #xxxxx-xxxx"

    Then sit back and shut up for 90 days.

    Afer 90 days, you can tell them your state has a version of UCC 3-311 and you used it and if they want any more money they're S.O.L. (and that's not statute of limitations).

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