Any Last Words Before I Mail...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bobbidk, Dec 5, 2001.

  1. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    Ok Gang, I finally have everything I need to mail my disputes to the CRA's. I sent the validation letters to the CA's on Monday. I am just a little confused with my disput letter. The items are:

    Charged off as bad debt
    Collection account
    Paid Collection
    Paid charge off
    Late pays

    What do I list as my reasons for dispute on these items? I guess I'm looking for a little push, this is the scariest thing I have ever done and I don't want to screw it up!

    Anyone who wants to give advice or even a word of encouragement is welcome. I want to send these off today (C.H.O.D.)

    Thanks in advance for all of your help.

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    why not try "not mine"
    if you have ethical problems with that.... try a generic
    inaccurate and incomplete reporting
    with late pays "never late"

    You can do it....... I did!!!
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Dispute as:
    1 NOT MINE
    2 NOT MINE
    3 NOT MINE
    4 NOT MINE

    My last words to you...GOOD LUCK! and HAPPY CHOD!

    -Peace, Dave
  4. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    Thanks Guys! That's all I needed. I don't have any ethical problems with any of this. The CRA's certainly don't why should I. I'm off to the Post Office. Wish me luck.


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