Any Lawyers Out There

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by snuffels, Feb 24, 2003.

  1. snuffels

    snuffels Well-Known Member

    After reading posts for the past 6 months I notice how everyone is suing for one thing or the other when it comes to collection agencies or credit bureau issues. Well, I have those same issues and I will be damned if I can locate an attorney in the state of New Hampshire that specializes in this crap
    or one that would even have interests in tackling some of these same;l matters that to me are major stumbling blocks to clean credit. Anyone out there from New Hampshire that can point me to a good attorney that does not like taking NO for an answer from any of these clowns out in the collection agency world and or credit bureaus.

    Look forward to some direction I desperately need a good attorney.

  2. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    I'm not a lawyer and i don't play one on tv .
    Many people here at Cnet do their own lawsuits in small claim courts. It's mostly to let OC's and CA's know that you're not going to just lie down and take their crap. Most people do nothing. Suing in small claims court gets results in many cases and it's low cost plus you can usually get assistance from clerks at the courthouse to help you draft and file your lawsuit. As you said , most lawyers, unless they smell gallons of blood in the water they won't even want to talk to you about contingency cases. The high cost of plaintiff financed lawsuits is what these
    bottomfeeders are counting on to get your goat.
  3. snuffels

    snuffels Well-Known Member

    Thats what I thought. Bringing suit in a small calims court is something I can deal with on my own but what concerns me is that when something is very straight forward and in my favor its left up to a JUDGE to make the final call. I just dont trust them in being fair and would consider anything said as either silly or really stretching things despite the laws that are quoted.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    That's what I thought. Bringing suit in a small claims court is something I can deal with on my own but what concerns me is that when something is very straight forward and in my favor its left up to a JUDGE to make the final call. I just don't trust them in being fair and would consider anything said as either silly or really stretching things despite the laws that are quoted.
    But if you rule this out you are left with no legal recourse- so what do you do then? Just let them have their way with you?

    The END ************************* LB 59
  5. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    I'm not a lawyer either but I play one in real life.

    If you don't fancy a small claims lawsuit before a judge, sue in United States District Court and demand a trial by jury.

    Its not that hard to file a complaint, heck I did one yesterdayt. If you play your cards right 9 out of 10 times you will never even have to go to court.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I am not a lawyer either, to me small claims was easy, especially when prepared by all the advice on this board. I have not had to file in federal court as of yet, but i have prepared two complaints, and settled both matters in my favor..... come on, jump into the deep water.... if you get in over your head, you can always get help!

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