So is it safe to assume that if I change my name from maiden to married first. Get an update, request removal and then dispute, somehting good could happen, huh? Like deletion?
Just in general, the less information available about your past lives, the more likely something might drop off. But no guarantees from me. I do, however, sincerely wish you the best of luck.
I call experian on the phone and they update and delete mine right then, TU does it with a letter. Equifax won't change ANY personal information for me
I agree. On EX, they had my last name misspelled and I disputed it. I also disputed two accounts that had this wrong last name, and all got removed and have not made their way back.
I was amazed to see this discussion because I'm still reeling from my experience with Equifax.. I notified them in mid-December that my name was misspelled in their report and my address is completely wrong. They told me it was MY responsibility to verify the spelling of my name to them (I had to send two forms of ID NOTARIZED.) Furthermore, they locked my account so I can't make any other changes until I do their job for them and verify that I am who I say I am. How is it that they are able to dump their responsibility to verify my information on me? I understand the identity-theft issue, but what makes the info I supply to them is more reliable than the public-record databases they have access to, and should be checking on a regular basis? (I live in Florida where public driver-license records are almost completely open, including name and current address, to anyone who asks.) ARRGGHH!