This may or may not be a possible solution, I have used it twice including my last truck purchase about 30 days ago. (which resulted in a 4.99% rate with no down for 72 months on about $38K debt through Boeing Credit Union. With rebates on a '05 truck, the price was about $7,800 back of MSRP!! ) I simply use the car dealer and the car dealer's finance department to my advantage. I tell them flat out which report to pull...It is always my best one. I know the rate I should or can get, I demand that the deal is a deal with no money down or no deal and the rate has to be whatever I think it should be based on research or this purchase. This is just and idea though, and you still have to do all your home work before you go to the car lot. Dog
Chase and U.S. Bank use TU in California. (Bringing your own financing) Mercedes and BMW also use TU in California - not sure if this hold true for the rest of the country. Toyota uses EXP, BUT if your TU is higher, they will bump you one Tier level.
Hi! I just bought a new car on Friday. I live in Florida. I was told by 2 dealerships that all Florida dealers use Equifax. I am one year post Bk and I have a new car. very happy...20 yrs since my last new car purchase. Abby
Infiniti Financial Services only pulls a TU. Be sure to emphasize to the credit manager that is all they are to pull and they will cooperate.
Okay guys...I am repeatedly asking if they will pull TU and I'm getting whiney "we only pull equifax" answers. Do these people want to sell a car or not?? I need one, like yesterday! So far, I haven't been convinced to let any of them pull.
Can I not apply with any of those companies online directly? I also heard Nissan uses TU, but no evidence. I called a local CU and they said to have the dealer pull first because they pull a "car" beacon which was different than they would pull directly and if the "car" beacon from the dealer was higher they'd go by their score.
A possible lead...a local mazda dealer says he can pull any of the bureaus and he has 9 lots to choose from. (I need 7 passenger -- 5 kids!). Although if he does pull TU, don't I need to be concerned about every bank he sends to pulling?
If the dealer pulls TU, they are doing so for the lender's qualifications. Household, Onyx, Chase will go by Experian Auto Fico. Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank use TU. This is the case in California. My point is that if the dealer is pulling your TU, he has a bank in mind.
about 90 percent of sub-prime lenders ONLY pull TU to approve you, however; after the loan goes thru they will report to all 3
That may be true, but it's important to remember that lenders pull according to region. While Onyx may accept Experian in California, they may pull Equifax in Florida. It's also been my experience that sub-prime lenders will pull all three. They realize the high risk, and will want to see if you have derogs on other reports that may not show up on all 3, just as a mortgage lender is accustomed to a tri-merge report.
A huge percentage of them pull EQ here, although a finance manager at one of the big dealerships said that he was pretty sure they pull more TU in MEmphis. I don't remember that to be true, but am not sure from when I lived there before. I am pretty sure US Bank pulled TU for a business loan before but pulled EXP recently for a biz cc. Hmm.. I've hesitated applying with anyone until I am SURE what they'll do. BTW I called Fifth Third and without knowing where I am they said they pull EQ.
Sub-prime meaning how high a rate, energyboy? Can you name some specifically? chase said no and didn't pull credit. I wonder if it was the vehicle? I'm waiting for my letter.
Last time I tried Lending Tree they used EX. I'm in CA so it may be different where you are. The way it works is they have lenders that they think will approve you with your scores, income, etc.