I've tried to work with IC Systems to have an account thats not even mine deleted.They seem not to care about validations letters or estoppel.I was wondering did anybody on this board ever take IC Systems to court for any violation of FDCPA,and if so,did they have any luck with these bastards.I was also wondering if they are registered in the state of NJ.If they aren't can I still take them to court?Where do I serve them?I have them on 4 different violations,I just dont seem to know where to send the court papers.Just need some helpful advice.
Call your Secretary of State's Bonding Office. Just remember that they may be doing business as DBA another name. BTW, if that name says something like: "Interstate Credit Bureau Collections Agency" That's another violation as they are falsely representing themselves as a Consumer Reporting Agency. Dancer
I didn't take them to court but I did contact the Minnesota AG and Dept. of Commerce. After many, many letters and complaints, they finally gave up and removed the information. This was also an error and they would not even review my documentation. However, they are not as bad as First Credit Solutions - they are totally illegal! So, I would contact both the AG and Dept of Commerce as they seem to want to keep a good record with them. It was nice to see them finally react!
Does anyone have a physical address and number for IC? Only thing I could find is: IC SYSTEM INC CORPORATE HDQTRS 444 HIGHWAY 96 E, VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55127 (651) 483-8201 Is this the only physical address they have? I have a PO Box 64378 St Paul MN 55164.
mindcrime, I have the same po box as you but I did get a fax # 651-481-6363 it worked a few weeks ago when I faxed a dispute.
I've posted this before but it may be helpful so I will post again. When I sent my validation letter, it was returned unclaimed after thirty days. I had called IC before mailing it and they gave me a PO box to be used only for validations. When I got it back, I called the PO and was told they do not pick up mail from that box - it is all returned unclaimed. Moral of the story is to get the PO box for payments and send your validation letter there.It will save you thirty days. Persistence is the key with them I also had a bogus collection from them that they kept verifying with the CRA's. They told me on the phone they had my name - nothing else. I have a common name but that did not impress them TU deleted with my first dispute (I think they were just lazy and decided it was easier to delete than to do the work). EXP deleted after I got a letter from the original creditor saying that I had never done business with them and after IC failed to validate. IC had refused to give me the name of the OC and I had to track them down myself. EX refused to delete for another six months. But, I got a good rep a few weeks ago (a supervisor) and she said they should have deleted after they got the letter from the original creditor and after IC refused to validate. It took fifteen months to get it off all three reports.
IC Systems has a very large facility on Lake Street in Minneapolis. I don't have the exact address but it is near uptown.