I trying my best to find a prime card that ONLY pulls Equifax for Texas. I searched Millcbs and lots came up, but they really do check my Transuion instead. I just can't let this wonderful 743 EQ score go down the drain as it's going to drop in a couple of weeks with high balances! Please anybody know??
I know University Federal Credit Union only pulls Equifax for everything. Car Loans, Credit Cards, Line of Credit, etc. Also, I think GM Card (Household) is Equifax only.
I asked a friend and she said that DSRM National Bank and Retailers National Bank pulled EQ only. She's in Austin. Charlie
FWIW, Amex Blue did look only at my Eq. report when I applied online. (and I'm in TX) That was this may.
Thanks soooooooo much for everybody's help. Because of your quick response, I just got instant approval for: Hilton Honors (AMEX) $10K Target VISA (Retailers National Bank) $5K GM MasterCard $8k And yes, they each ONLY pulled Equifax.
Hope, Try Diamond Shamrock. They are the DSRM Bank that I mentioned. Great news on the CC's. What part of Texas are you in? Do a check on millcbs and check who pulls Shell Mastercard. Charlie
Congrats hope!!!! Muy excellente!!!! Do you have any negative information on your report? My last negative should be coming off this month after I fax CSC special services. I REALLY want an Amex card, really the Blue, but I will take whatever they give me! What was your highest limit showing on your report BEFORE you applied? Again, congrats, you did very well. BTW, Shell Mastercard is Chase, who pulls TU.