Anybody wanna have some fun?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kittw1, Jan 10, 2002.

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  1. frankowes

    frankowes Well-Known Member

    Makes me kinda wish I had something in collections.
  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    You all do realize that a lot of people lurk on this board - including collection agents, right?

    And that it's nothing for a sympathetic lurker to call the CA at the number you all have posted - and refer them to this board for the anonymous (and in my personal opinion, juvenile) harrassment of that employee, right?

    What legal position does that place the CreditNet admin. under, if they get accused of maintaining a board in which people get to place crank calls to a collection agency?

    I know the response is "well, they harrass me unfairly, so I'm just getting them back" - but the DIFFERENCE is - that is their *job* and there are laws there to protect you if they do harrass you.

    If it isn't your debt, or they screwed it up somehow, the validation process is here. Use it. If it is your debt, then work it out via payment for deletion or whatever. All those methods are here, too. But don't compromise the operation of the board this way harassing some woman who doesn't even know what hit her.
  3. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I'd go down to the local FTC office with this phone number in hand and MAKE them call for me and see that these collectors won't give identifying information when asked...

    in violation of the FDCPA.

    Oh, I have too much time on my hands after this accident. I think I may call them tomorrow too! Hi, this is Marie from OSI collections, is Marie there I need to talk with her about a debt she owes...
  4. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Want me to go visit them for you? Voorhees is only a few miles fact I was just there a few hours ago picking out carpet for our basement. Too bad I didn't read this before I left the house - I could have had some real fun with them and IN PERSON!! The possibilities are cracking me up. LOL
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Kitt wasn't able to get any info from this woman. Why should someone that called YOU request SSN# and the such. She now has an address to send a validtion letter to. BTW KITT: don't forget they've got 5 days to send you notice in the mail.
    It's just playing their game at their expense.
  6. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    You know Marci, before you go pounding on original question was who was/is the CA...Was I in control of the actions of others? No! My intent was not to compromise this board, while my attitude is not to just leave a debt hanging...I have never received any mail or otherwise from this company regarding this debt and I was chicken (yeah I am big enough to admit it) to call and see who they were. I do not take it lightly as I am getting my family ready to go out the door that someone calls me with a nasty attitude at 8a and refuses to tell me who they represent. VIOLATION! So, that's all I am gonna say...we are not going to turn this into something bigger than it needs to be and this thread will eventually die like so many others! OK!
  7. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Hey. I think it is funny. If you don't like it don't participate. If everyone wants we can create a yahoo group and not invite the ones who don't wish to have fun with them.
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I would just like to say that I was ROLLIN ON THE FLOOR while reading this thread!!!! How I wish I had been home when this thread got started. I woulda called. HAHAHAHahahahahaha
  9. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    If i was still young and still had a modem in my computer I would have my computer call collection agencies all day long and hand up on them...
    just to tie up all the phone lines..

  10. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I had fun my 2 turns calling and I had a BLAST reading. If you don't want to participate then don't.
  11. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    I've laughed all day at this thread and even thought about calling, but Marci does have a point. FYI this CA will have a record of everyone who called their toll-free number (when they get the bill for it). So if you call from a number not blocked from caller ID they will have a record of your number, for what it's worth.

    My .02
  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    That's why I used my cell phone.... I have call blocking on it, so if someone tries to call me that doesn't have a published number it automatically blocks them with a pre-recorded message.
  13. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    This is tooooooooo funny! Hope it keeps up. I'll try to call tomorrow after I think of a good one.
  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Oh man!! I read this after it was all over - I laughed til I cried. Don't worry, if they have your number and call you, just call them back. LOLOL. If you don't owe them money, what are they going to do? It's a free country - she gave out the number - she got calls. That's all.

    Post more collection agency numbers - I will call some, LOLOL. The really bad ones - let's harrass them!!
  15. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    *67 BABY!!!!
  16. needinfo

    needinfo Active Member

    This is definitely the funniest thing that I have read in a long time. I was actually laughing out loud while reading the posts on the first page...

  17. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    To the sympathizers(s) of the unscrupulous CA all I can say is â??what comes around goes around.â?

    We are aware of who â??lurksâ? on this message board. Let them take notice. If they want to use unscrupulous and illegal collections tactics, maybe theyâ??ll have some grief dished back. Yes, consumers have legal rights in disputing the validity of debts, as collectors have legal boundaries in collecting valid debts. It canâ??t be one sided.

    To Kittw 1: The best thread ever! Thanks for making my evening.
  18. Laray

    Laray Well-Known Member

    Did someone say this place is in voorhees, nj? i live right near there and can go there this weekend.
  19. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    LMFAO 2

    By the way BIATCH is a strange name. Don't you think! LOL

    I wish I could have got down with this. I have a million voices and there good. Someone else needs to post a message like this.
  20. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    You all are too damn funny!!!


    I'd call too if I wasn't at the office now...
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