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Anybody wanna have some fun?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kittw1, Jan 10, 2002.

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  1. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Alrighty,... it's after 9 on the east coast, and in a few hours it'll be 9 here on the west coast. Who's gonna get the call today?
  2. ljones4521

    ljones4521 Well-Known Member

    ...ROFLMAO....Oh my goodnes...never thought about it like that. I am 33 years old and NEVER have I served a day in court.
  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    To those who say "if you don't like it, don't participate" - don't worry I don't want to participate in this effort, nor will I. An invite only Yahoo groups sounds very appropriate for this thread - and I would count it a privilege not to be invited.

    But that really is beside the point. I'll repeat my question:

    What legal position does this thread place the CreditNet administration under, if they get accused of maintaining a board in which people are encouraged to place crank calls to a collection agency?

    I ask this in all sincerity. And I'd like to know what pbm thinks on this subject.

    No, I don't want to participate in calling some collection agent, but I do want to participate on the board and if I think that the board may be compromised, then I will speak up. If I were a CA manager and I found out that this thread existed and a effort to "target one collecion agency per day" was underway, I'd do everything I could to shut creditnet straight talk down - or at least give them enough trouble to make them rethink having a thread like this .

    Why make things harder for the administration here, when this board has so much to offer?
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Each person that picked up that phone yesterday CHOSE to pick it up and call them. No on held a gun to anyone's head. We have done nothing wrong. Last time I checked it wasn't a crime to crank call someone. We made a choice to call and we made a choice to post about our experience. They may have been silly phone calls, but maybe now they will disclose WHO they are and what they are calling for.

    I find posting about this CA experience no different than posting about "validation letters", or how one person went about getting a VALID negative removed from their report. Do whatever it takes to repair your credit without getting yourself a lawsuit, post your results in the hopes that someone else can learn from it.

    It's not about "they did it to me", for me it passed some time at work. If they want to trace my call to work, well by ALL means do it to it.

    If PBM finds this post unethical then remove it plan and simple. Personally I find it amusing.
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    What legal position does this thread place the CreditNet administration under, if they get accused of maintaining a board in which people are encouraged to place crank calls to a collection agency?

    What legal position does the thread about how to delete inquiries via the back door method at TU put the administration under? NONE...why? Just because the administrator has this board does NOT make him legally responsible for what grown adults choose to do. What if we emailed each other via AOL and chose to do this. Would AOL be legally responsible for our actions? Nobody is responsible for what we chose to do..but us. What about posting how to win a lawsuit or file one, or send validation & estoppel letters. You are just looking for something that is NOT here!!

    I ask this in all sincerity. And I'd like to know what pbm thinks on this subject.

    I think (may be wrong) that if he thought he were legally responsible #1 this thread would be deleted. #2 alot of things that we post and talk about would be deleted. #3 he would speak up for himself.

    No, I don't want to participate in calling some collection agent, but I do want to participate on the board and if I think that the board may be compromised, then I will speak up. If I were a CA manager and I found out that this thread existed and a effort to "target one collecion agency per day" was underway, I'd do everything I could to shut creditnet straight talk down - or at least give them enough trouble to make them rethink having a thread like this .

    Are you a CA manager? If not quit worrying about it because it obviously didn't affect you or your account right?

    I'm done and if I make some people mad, it won't be the first time..but this is nonsense for her to go on and on about it. If PBM wants the thread closed HE has the ability to close or delete it. We don't need Marci to be board monitor of the day.
  6. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Easy guys. Before you go attacking Marci, run a search, look back through some threads, like for instance, this one.

    Marci has been one of the most generous contributors at credtinet, for some time. I personally have much to thank her for. It's fine to disagree with Marci or anyone else here, but check your facts before you question her motives. And before some twisto wonders out loud, No, I have no relationship of any sort with Marci outside of posting messages here at creditnet.

    And BTW, this has all been good clean fun, and funny as hell, I must admit, and there will probably be no repercussions if it doesn't go much further. But, every one of you knows that Marci has a point. Every performer knows that one of the keys to a great performance is knowing when to get off the stage. At some point, if this continues indefinitely, there will, no doubt, be repercussions.

    Exit, Stage Right....

  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I have NO doubts about her being a generous contributor and have nothing against her personally. I just don't think PBM would let the thread remain if he felt legally responsible for the actions of grown adults calling from all over the US to a lowly collection agency. I have nothing more to say on the matter as I am not one to start an argument. Maybe I shouldn't have replied to her post at all..but I did and can't change that. I had fun as most of the people did with it...so it's done.
  8. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I leave town for ONE day and I miss this? :(

    I would've so called ;)
  9. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Awwww....Arthur!!! :p
  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    This is very funny, that's I have to say.

    Like I said before, it's nice to have the collector's scratching their heads for a change.


    Count me in for the Yahoo! group, I have nothing better to do at work anyway. Look at the Innovis thread, I called those people about 4 times!
  11. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Dear Members,

    Irrespective of your reverence or hatred for collection agencies, this thread constitutes an organized effort to harass a legitimate company and to interfere with its ability to conduct "normal" business. As such you are putting Creditnet and this discussion board at unnecessary risk.

    Therefore we ask that you immediately cease all such activity and that you refrain from using Creditnet's resources to incite, promote, encourage, or otherwise engage in conspiratorial behavior of a similar nature.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

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