Anyone ever have luck on the phone with CRAs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by unlvgro37, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    equifax obviously doesn't care about the law or maintaining accurate reports as they have an account on my report not only open but paid and closed as well. After 4 disputes they still let MCM verify and whats worse I even sent them the settlement offer and other documentation and they still leave it as described. Is calling them with that Confirmation # worth it or not? Also another question I have is that how can true credit report my Equifax on this account the same as above and 120 days late as well?
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Not to be rude but, I think we've all answered this many times over.

    You're going to have to sue MCM and if you prefer, Equifax. We sometimes delete MCM but, sometimes not.

    As for calling Equifax, save your breath.
  3. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    I just want to be thorough and exhaust all options prior to litigation. that's all
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I can appreciate that but, don't you think that four requests for re-investigations is exhaustive enough? I do.

    Again, I'm not trying to dictate but, you're wasting your time with these baffoons. Serve the Summons and be done with them. I wouldn't be so adamant about this but, again, I know what you're up against. Moreover, it does grow tiresome seeing people fail to invoke their rights. That is why MCM and others of their ilk do what they do. If more would step up to the plate, it would effect their bottom line and business model.

    Again, I'm directing this explicitly at you rather in general. I'll step down from my soapbox now.
  5. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    Thats what i needed to hear. Where should i file in my county courthouse or should i file federally?
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I would file it in the trial level court at your state level. Save your self a few hundred dollars on filing fees. Chances are they'll probably remove to Federal anyway.
  7. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    Check this out

    I acted against the better judgment of not only the the credit net board but myself as well and called Transunion to see what would happen. They told me that Account Type open means that payment is due in full at the end of the month.Is that true?
    I called HSBC the OC to see if I could get somewhere and the HSBC lady told me that MCM has the application for credit and last statement as well. But when I told her that I tried to get it from them they ignored me. she then 15 seconds after she told me they didnt have the application or related paperwork said if you put a fraud alert on this account we can send it to you. How much BS is that?

    I also called MCM to see what would happen and after the lady stalled and put me on hold for a half hour they transferred me to the "consumer relations dept". There was a woman there very nice by the way, that outright told me that the best way to remove the item is to keep disputing and eventually it will go away. When i asked her why is it still is listed as open she said thats the way they report it and can't change it and that she understood the problems associated with the reporting. HOW stupid is that.

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