Anyone ever heard of this?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bcburnsy1, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. bcburnsy1

    bcburnsy1 New Member

    I received a collection notice from a CA stating I owed $36 on an old auto insurance policy from another state.

    I told a buddy at work about it and he said a friend of his moved here less than a year ago and received a similiar letter. His friend called his old insurance agent to find out if there really was any unpaid premium and there was not. This person just ignored the notice and never heard anything ever again.

    Well..I called my old insurance agent and low and behold there is no balance due on my account either. I even called the national office just to verify and they also agreed that there was never an outstanding balance and they had not sent it to a collection ageny.

    Here is my take on the situation:

    This particular scumbag colllection agency is scanning records over at the DMV. They find out who your old insurance carrier is, even get the policy number from the DMV (are they public records?), and send you a notice saying you owe money and wait for you send it in. If you protest or don't pay I bet they just drop it.

    When I first received the notice I almost paid it...but after reading these boards I instead decided to send off a validation letter since paying is an admission to owing the money and I really don't need anything negative on my credit report.

    The name of the agency is:
    Credit Collection Services
    Two Wells Avenue
    Newton, MA 02452

    Two questions for you credit and perhaps legal experts out there:

    1. Do you think there is any way that they received a collection account from my old insurance company by mistake?

    2. What should I do? If this is really a scam should I report this to the Attorney General...could I sue them?

    Let me know if you have ever heard of this before...I would welcome any comments or advice on what my course of action should be.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    "IF" they collect only $500 a day...they are doing good for their efforts...AND DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A "REAL" JOB...

    Many people would just send a check...THEY JUST ASSUME IT WAS AN "OVER-SIGHT"

    In CO there was a SCAM that a phone book company sent invoices for YELLOW PAGE ADS THAT WERE NEVER ORDERED...the companies just paid it...UNTIL SOMEBODY GOT WISE AND SAID...I DON'T EVEN ADVERTISE...It was NOT even a company that any business had ever used...
  3. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    I would check with CCS as they are a pretty reputable company from my history. I'm wondering if someone got your information and then sent the files to them to collect on these fictitious debts.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I think the CAs work the same scam on folks applying for mortgages too.

    THE END ** *** ** LB 59

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. ed7399@com

    ed7399@com New Member

    I received something from Credit Collection Services through mail and it was sent at my parents address. I do not live there anymore last time I lived at my parent's was 16 years ago. I have this bill that supposedly I owe BMG records club $36.50.
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If you had really had a legitimate account, you would think that the original creditor, or even a CA, would have sent a bill to your parents' address years ago. If your parents have lived at that address all these years, and you get it now after 16 years, you would have gotten it then. If no such bill was received near the time of the alleged debt, then it is likely that the original creditor's records did not have that address associated with this account.

    Were you ever even a member of a "record club"?

    If not, it is probably more old junk "debt" sloppily skip-traced to any similar name. It shows the quality of the database when they match your name, but with a 16 year old address.

    BMG appears to be part of Columbia House. They have an "unsatisfactory" BBB rating, and Columbia House was fined a couple years ago by FTC for telemarketting and "Do Not Call" violations.

    Here are two complaints about Credit Collection Services. Both alleged debts are for large amounts (presumably insurance related), and the consumers haven't a clue why they chose to contact them, so they are probably the wrong party. It illustrates a high degree of sloppyness in skip-tracing, when what you would expect from the alleged amounts should deserve more care. If YOU were trying to collect a $30K debt, would you send it to the wrong person?

    From their BBB report:

    "Customer Experience
    Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to a pattern of complaints.

    Based on BBB files this company has a pattern of complaint concerning customer services issues. Consumers state that the company conducts collection calls in an unprofessional and threatening manner and are not responding to consumer requests of verification of debts.

    This class action suit shows up:

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