I have two old CO accounts with HH/Orchard that I have been disputing with Household Credit Services for nearly a year. Recently they changed the CO Date from 03/2002 to 07/2004 and they refuse to place the account in "disputed by consumer" status.. 2 FCRA violations. They sold those accounts back in 2003 and they went to Midland which Midland folded and settled because of FDCPA and FCRA violations of their own. To date, the BBB sent them a letter and they got nasty with the BBB.. so the BBB wrote me a letter recommending me to take HH to court. I was wondering if anyone has any "experiences" they can share on the board or via PM.. Thanks in advance!
I'd have no hesitation in sending an ITS letter and then following through. I have a nearly identical situation - HH to Midland but I'm not touching it yet. Curious, what did you do to get Midland to fold?
On Midland, they violated FDCPA by not validating, continuing to call, then sent "settlement" letter after letter, and did not place the account in dispute after "3" CRA disputes filed with each CRA. I got the ACA involved, Attorney General, and provided detailed documentation on their FCRA and FDCPA violations.. They sent a letter stating they will close the case file since they own it, apologized, and stated in a letter that I have no further obligation on the debt and that it will not be sold or transferred to any other collection agency. They sent that same letter via Fedex to the Atty General and ACA too. It was loud and clear violations.