Anyone get the TU FICO score yet?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wolverine, Jul 25, 2002.

  1. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Is it still broken, has anyone gotten it to work yet?
  2. frencheese

    frencheese Well-Known Member

    i just bought my transunion report a couple of hours ago hoping i could get my fico score and it never offered it to me.

  3. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    I e-mailed their tech support because after yesterday now I keep getting a message that I am currently logged in. They said they are experiencing technical difficulties with the new FICO score and they will e-mail me when it is back up and running-I'll let you know :eek:)
  4. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    I also got that error. I entered all of my name and address info in, went to the confirmation screen, and it gave me the "500 internal server error" message when I hit ok. When I tried it again, it said that I was already logged in.

    I got the "already logged in..." message about a month ago, and it took them a couple of days, but they resolved it. I hope they can fix that and their FICO problems soon.. I'd REALLY like to see my TU FICO score.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    I just got my TU FICO about 5 minutes ago and it worked without a problem. As I have speculated for months, the TU in house score is a joke. My real fico is more than 60 pts higher than the joke TU is/was trying to push off on us.
  6. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    Was the score report similar to Equifax's FICO one? Do they give you a similar mini credit report, and tell you what's both good and bad on your report?
  7. kerry

    kerry Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    Hey guys, what is going on? Has TU made some kind of announcement that their scoring method has changed? Is it the same as EX? I haven't heard anything but it sounds like you guys have.

    Do we have to pay anything?
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    It is almost identical to equifaxs'. You get the graph showing where your score is, you get the reasons for your score etc. The credit report is almost the same as it was, the only difference I noted was that the AR and PRM inquiries as well as the other soft inquiries from when I pulled my reports was not displayed.
  9. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye


    Is the new true FICO score on a scale of 320-850?
  10. frencheese

    frencheese Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    where do you see the offer to get your FICO score on the TU website? I just bought my TU report at 1 pm and it never offered me the option to get my FICO score. Is it only offered to people in certain regions?

  11. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    I'm still not able to order mine (although TU e-mailed me and said it was fixed) so I ordered hubbys.

    TU FICO - 591
    TU SCORE - 560
    ELOAN - 614
  12. Svanderwil

    Svanderwil Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    I just got my FICO score from TU, and like LKH said it's way off of TU's internal score. They never gave me over a 600, I was usaully in the 590's. I thought that this was low as my credit isn't that bad, sure enough im at 651 through their FICO. I think the only way you get the FICO option is if you go in to get the free report (denied credit, work, etc) then after they aprove you for the free one the say wait you could get it for free, but we'll give you a better one for $13. If you go in to buy the report their like hey we make more money supplying our own made up number why give them the option of buying the FICO. This would explain why some people can get the FICO option and some can not. Just a guess.
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    Now this doesn't make sense. TU has me at 613 right now, which probably means a 550 or some such nonsense. I have no derogs and plenty of positive tradelines. EQ is 675 and EX is 651, and all three have pretty much the same accounts listed. I'm confused as to what score the lender gets when they pull TU. In the past, when I had a 663 (according to TU) and applied for Generations, they came back saying I had a 598!!!! Anyway...if someone can explain this to me I'd be appreciative!

  14. sudsman616

    sudsman616 Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    How does the TU FICO compare to the eloan score? any comparisons?
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

  16. Svanderwil

    Svanderwil Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    It's a real FICO score just like the equifax one. So if you get the FICO score from tu you will get the score that creditors see. If you get the other score it is just as worthless as always.
  17. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    I got my TU report the other day in the mail...would that be their FAKCO score or the real FICO score?
  18. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    The TU consumer score seems to weigh things differently. For example, I had a new CC post 0 balance, 20k cl, and my tu consumer score went down over 80 points, no other changes. My number one reason code became Too many active bankcard accounts. When the same card posted on Eq and EX there was little or no effect on my score.

    The reading that I have done seems to indicate that the "FIco" score we are able to order from Eq and now TU is pretty much a generic fico score. The CC's the auto companies and the mortgage banks all use different versions of this score with greater or lesser emphasis given to the various factors. A high utilization ratio might really hurt your CC fico, while for an auto enhanced fico it might not really matter.
  19. frencheese

    frencheese Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    my tu score at 1 pm was 629. dropped 76 points because of 3 inquiries. my tu fico score as of 6 pm is 704. which is one point off of what my tu score was before the inquiries hit. apparently inquiries make a BIG difference in the tu scoring model compared to the fico

  20. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Re: Anyone get the TU FICO score ye

    now i'm curious.

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