anyone get true accounts taken off?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by star, Oct 23, 2001.

  1. star

    star Well-Known Member

    If I dispute accounts that are actually accurate is it possible to get them off if I dispute? anyone out there have success and how did you do it?
  2. amaineman

    amaineman Well-Known Member

    yes and many other people have ...
    some just by disputing as "not mine".
  3. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I do it many, many times every day.
    A very few are because I disputed them with the credit bureaus. Those are the easy ones that would just about have fallen off of their own anyway. All it took was a dispute and they were dead ducks.

    By far, the vast majority of them come off because of disputes with the creditor or the collection agency.

    In the end, I never miss getting them off.
  4. MikeB

    MikeB Banned

    <forwarded to FTC>
  5. star

    star Well-Known Member

    what does the above response mean from mike b.
  6. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Only mikeb knows for sure, and he apparently isn't telling just yet.

    Maybe he is on a crusade to teach the government that they are dead wrong when they say accurate reports can't be removed and how all the credit repair companies are nothing but rip-offs and scams.

    It's great for the government to put out warnings on scam companies who do nothing for their money but send off tons of spam to the credit bureaus trying to convince them that the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. Anybody can do that and the government is right in trying to get those kinds of rip-off artists out of business.

    If they were really doing their job, they would also be putting at least that much or more effort into putting rip-off collection agencies and credit bureaus who defraud their customers and abuse the consumers out of business.

    If mikeb really is on a crusade to get government to put the rip-off artists like that out of business, then I wish both him and the government lots of luck. They got a tough road to hoe ahead of them.
  7. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

  8. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    I've also managed to have accounts taken off, either by disputing with the credit reporting agency as "not mine" but in other ways as well.

    I have a few collection accounts that I disputed and came back as verified - these were well outside the SOL for legal action. I wrote the collection agencies offering to pay in exchange for deletion. The standard response seems to be "It is unlawful to remove accurate items from a credit profile."

    My response to them has been "There is no legal requirement for you to VERIFY information if challenged by the consumer with teh credit reporting agency. If you wish to receive payment for this account I require agreement that you will not verify this account if it is disputed with the credit agency."

    It doesn't always work, but in more than one instance I have been successful with this tactic. The bottom line is - they want the money and don't really care a whit about whether it is on your credit profile or not. They use the credit profile as a tactic to get you to pay.
  9. Concerned

    Concerned Well-Known Member

    I have had inaccurate information take YEARS to get off and completely accurate information come off on the first try. I justified it to myself by saying, "Hey, look these jerks can't remove the incorrect stuff, I don't feel bad about disputing the correct stuff."

    But the advice above that says to dispute as "Not Mine" is the way to go in the beginning.


    P.S. Mike B is making fun of us again b/c your question does not beat around the bush here at all;-)
  10. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    WRONG! At least in my case. I disputed as "not mine" a neg tradeline that would have come off in 2 years. It came back Verified and redated. Now it looks like I have a Reposession as of last month!

    Talk about sucking big brass monkey balls!!

    I've decided I'll just bend over, grab my ankles and smile. I probably deserved it anyway for messing with this credit stuff.
  11. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    I disputed a duplicate of my student loan on Experian and both entries were deleted! I love Experian!
  12. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member

    I just had someone dispute a trade because of the balance history being incorrect and she got it deleted.
  13. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    Nope, Experian needs an Enema!

    I will probably fight this, but I don't have the time or the patience to do this myself. Looking into my Crystal ball, I forsee me working with a guy named Bill....

    Has anyone used Bill's services successfully for situations like mine? (Re-aging of accounts for no other reason that I can see but for Experian to poke at me with a self-righteous stick)

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