I put in the other post to picantel that you might want to try emailing godaddyo, he disputes with the Columbus CBC.
There's none on their letterhead (imagine that). In fact, there's no sign on their building (imagine that). What are you sending that you don't think it deserves a letter with a return receipt?
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu 614-222-5449 (same number for CBCS) Attention Mark Collections Manager Used this number recently. Went through on second attempt. Did the same thing as you, faxed then sent CRRR FYI - For some reason, I just received the green card today, signed by them 7 days ago. No idea why this happened!! In the past, it only took one day...
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu Wow, Butch, that is great news! Please tell me more...I faxed 35 pages to them...
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu Hell. I'm suing these mothrf*ckers for about $15,000. They've completely ignored me for MONTHS. Oh well. I've faxed until my face was purple and no response.
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu Did you also an snail mail them? I called them several times in the past, and found them to be very nasty. They refuse to delete anything for me, so far. Not sure how my latest letter/fax will work yet.
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu It really must be who you speak with there. My fiancee gave it to them bigtime one day because a collection came up a few days before we were to go for a mortgage. The collection was paid and she said to remove it and they said they would mark it paid, she said it was paid before the collection and they replied that it would take 30 days. She got the guy from the place that was paid and had posted the collection on the phone and read both of them the riot act. Magically, an hour later, it was off the reports completely. THey are just lazy people who attempt to avoid any work at all.
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu To hell with CBCS and the snail mail. They received the faxes. They only people I snail mail is Experian, and it's just for show. They can answer to the judge, because they violated the FDCPA , FCRA, California Civil Code and my rights six ways from Sunday. I'm the wrong one to mess with. The OC tried to get funny for a second, but they backed down when they saw that I was about to hand them their ass just like I am about to hand CBCS theirs. They responded to me attempting to handle this nicely with a letter from their lawyer stating that I was lying! So I sent them letter that basically said, that I was not an uneducated consumer and I am well aware that they could be held legally responsible for what CBCS has done. And that WHEN I got into court I WILL be able to prove that I did not live at the address that this bill was incurred at (gas bill), that they could not prove that I did and if I received one more piece of correspondence with the same bullsh*t that I woud instruct MY lawyer to include them in the suit. Haven't heard from them since. It was freaking hilarious!
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu No reason to be sarcastic, I thought that you would get the fax # from godaddyo as was suggested above. The fax # is 614-222-5497. Dang. I was trying to warn you. Sheesh.
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu ttowns, I would love to watch your case happen. Will you give us the court information?
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu Just out of curiosity, will they not give you the number if you just call and ask? Experian was the only place that flat refused to give me a number...
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu Which case? I have quite a few going on right now. Providian, NCO, IC Sytems, Genesis Financial and CBCS. I'm working on some more, too. The first 4 are within the next few weeks. Providian is next Monday and the other 3 are September 6. I settled with another CA out of court, but that's all I can say, pretty much(I signed a confidentiality agreement). P.S. Here are some numbers for CBCS: 614-222-5500 412-429-3900 412-429-3959 614-222-4333 614-222-5441 614-575-4444 800-947-2987 Hope that helps.
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu ttowns i wasnt being sarcastic.. just thanking you for the fax number.. sorry...
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu Sorry about that. I'm having a rough day. I thought you were being sarcastic because in my rambling about CBCS, I forgot their fax number.
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu I missed this post, but I was searching and thought I would comment. First, CBC is a joke. They are a BIG PAIN IN THE A** Now, that being said, in some ways it is easier working with these idiots than the big three. Since each area has its own database that they mirror with Equifax, this gives one more opprutunity to dipute the items in different geographical locations. If you are dealing directly with the big three, you dont have this option, they are all on the same repository. Getting an item removed from a CBC repository will get it removed from the Equifax repository. Another thing that makes it nice dealing with little old CBC of Columbus is that you get to know the people in there on a first name basis. You need to identify with them and be super sweet. I started my converstations out with them by calling their legal department. I spoke with an attorney that represents them for about 15 minutes and explained to her my situation. She then forwarded me to the head of the consumer relations departement and they took care of me perosnally. "Did they ever screw up?" OH yah, but it was easier in the long run after making friends.. For all you newbies out there reading this stuff, I would like you all to know that I started off with over 20 negative items on my credit reports. All of them ranging from late pays, unpaid collection, paid collections, judgements and other derog public information. I had everything but a BK on my reports. My reports are clean now and it took about 2 years. Occasionally I still have someone rear there ugly head, but I just fight them with the resources that got me there in the first place (this forum and willpower)...
Re: Anyone have fax# for CBCof colu godaddyo, Thank you for sharing your experiences. I tend to get upset with people over things that are not done correctly. My husband keeps a cool head like you and often gets people to do things he wants done!! How did you get to an attorney? Did you just ask for one? Could you email me so I can ask you a more specific question?? Thanks