Anyone remember me?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Andrew, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Hey folks! I was a regular here more than two years ago. After my layoff from my last job my life has been in financial turmoil.

    Finally I have a new job (starting on Dec 13th) and I can pick up where I left off in my credit repair journey. Unfortunately things became tough and I'm in a big mess--including a recent repo! Arrrgh!

    Anyway, I plan to be a regular again and I look forward to everyone's support!
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Welcome back!! You'll find that a lot of the "old timers" aren't around much, but there are new folks to help you out.

    I was mostly lurking when you were here before, but I remember seeing posts by you.
  3. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    Yea, well, some of us just show up every year or so ... :)
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I hope you show up more often!
  5. Col. K0rn

    Col. K0rn Well-Known Member

    I'm back too...been out to pasture. Finals are coming up for my school, and I've been under the rock that has fallen on me. I guess it comes and goes. Glad to see that you are still on here Hedwig. You give good advice.
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Col. I don't post as much as I used to, mainly because I'm so swamped at work that I don't have time.

    Is this law school that you're going to? I seem to remember that you were talking about going into consumer law because you saw a need here. Still planning that?
  7. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I am back too!

    I haven't changed my signature block yet... but it is trashed again! :(

    Both of my teenage boys had minor run ins with the law. One of them wrecked my car and the insurance is declining coverage!

    Then there are the med bills that ins hasn't paid or have paid part (under reduced fee agreement) and the doc has sent tha balance (illegally) to collections!

    SO here I go again! It should not be near as hard as it was the last time..I have 5 medical collections under the same CA. I have 2 med coll under 2 other CAs. Cingular is still passing on that debt (listed once on TU only) and of course, about $1K more that the bill ever was! As a result of the legal fees, I have a couple of 30 lates showing on Chrysler and Arcadia and 1 on Kay's but Kays f*k'd me since they listed it as closed by credit grantor. Everything else is still good. The real good news is the CRAs took my BK off 1 month early so NO public records!!!

    This is nowhere near the mess I faced 4 years ago so I know it is simply a matter of time......

    New fako scores (ack!)

    EQ 515, EX 558, TU 511 (PG on all )

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