Automated Consumer Dispute Verification This service provides you, the consumer, a process by which to dispute inaccurate information contained on your credit report. This process does take time and is not intended for the purpose of resolving issues quickly for the closing of a home mortgage loan. We require that you send us a letter including your name, social security number, address, and specific items being disputed. The letter may be mailed directly to this address: Fidelity National Credit Services, Inc. 3470 Blazer Parkway Lexington, Kentucky 40503 Once we are in receipt of the letter, information is entered into our ACDV software and a dispute is filed with the creditor, as well as with all three national credit repositories. Within 30 days we will receive a response and this information will be forwarded on to you along with a revised credit report if applicable. Please note that the ACDV process is relatively new and credit grantors are not required to respond to credit reporting agencies. At this time, we do recommend that you also submit your dispute directly to the three national credit repositories.
They submit CRA disputes online for you, using the ACDV system, the same system that CRAs and creditors use to communicate with each other with in regards to disputes.
Anyone wanna be a ginny pig...could be good...maybe I'll volunteer....need a push from the board though....LOL
<Doing a little dance> "Go soup... go soup.... it's your birthday....!!!" Sorry.. little out of control there... Friday, another hour to go at work... LOL