Anyone want to move to Montana?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Dani, Jun 21, 2002.

  1. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Pretty catchy, huh? :)

    But, I really do feel like it. Does anyone feel like we are in a freight train moving about 90 miles an hour through life?

    Today alone (as you can tell my day stunk)
    My local bank refuses to send my canceled checks any more.

    Two businesses refuse to send
    invoices via mail (everything will be via fax),

    Another company has decided the only way to pay them is online (they will no longer except checks - unless you pay at one of their locations).

    All my mail is sent to lockboxes (which takes a good 3-5 days to get back to the creditor..I usually get dinged with a late fee, although I paid on time).

    When I contact got it, the wonderful automated voicemail system is what I get.

    My checks, bank accounts, credit card accounts, and personal medical information can all be found on line for a price.

    Even freaking Prada now has little gadgets on their clothes that will determine where an item of clothing is at all times...not only that it can read a customer's facial expressions (so if you like the product or don't like it the little computer generated chip will send that back to the sales clerk). Prada says it is for better "marketing".

    I now have to take precautions to decrease my chances of identity theft.

    I have to lock my car to run inside the grocery store so no one steals it.

    I have a security system on my home to protect it from burgulars.

    Every waking hour I hear about potential terrorist attacks, kidnappings, the plummeting stock market, corrupt organizations, traffic congestion, and to avoid super size meals.

    Really all I want to do is move to Montana buy 700 acres, change my name and live like a nomad.

    Until then, pass me the Prozac.


    PS Just venting. :)
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

  3. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    I'm coming too......
    Hubbys over worked everytime we get closer to meeting anykind of head way and building saving actually buy a house the bills seem to get higher (aka gas prices,,ulilities,car repairs ). The extra work he does have, his "client" ha and humm and drag their feet when it comes time to pay but have no problem calling whenever when they have an"emergency" That bar raises just a bit higher again in life then we are back to the beginning still not where close to the goal ....It is beyond frustrating sometimes
    We live on the third floor of an apartment bldg and I am still waking up at night to make sure my kids are still there....
    Life sucks right now...nice to see I'm not alone

  4. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good plan to me!

    Tuit :)
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Dani, Maybe you need to change from Prozac to Antivan. There aren't as many side effects. I do agree with you except I moved 10 miles from Luckenbach, Texas. Remember Waylon and Willie? Charlie
  6. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    I do like this post!

    I watched something on HGTV a few nights ago - I think it is called "Living on the Edge" - and they showed like three or four different people who had really shunned all modern conveniences - telephones, electricity, indoor plumbing (OK - now I do need my indoor plumbing - I really must insist). But anyway, these people were living out in the middle of nowhere - one couple lived in Alaska in a treehouse (which was really pretty cool) in the woods. Another lady had moved out into the desert somewhere - can't remember where - but she lived out there with her two dogs. It was just really neat. You could just tell these people did not have any worries. It was just soooooo cool. I think it is a series or something - check it out if you can. I'm not sure what time it comes on, but I'll find out. Seriously, at the beginning of the show, I was like - are these people out of their minds??? But by the end of the show, I was questioning my own sanity!

    p.s. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!!!

    p.s.s. I can't even afford to LOOK at Prada - so I don't have to worry there!
  7. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Uh, wrong...two totally different classes of drugs, not related to one another. Ativan should not be substituted for Prozac!
  8. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    I'm packing as I type!!!

    Let's see....

    People at my job are dropping like flies...layoffs every several months.

    The office building I work in is probably going to become a Home Depot (my office will most likely feature toliets or manuer!)

    A Teenager in a major mall near where I work and frequent often was shot by a nearby stranger for being on a cell phone. (I don't need to be shopping anyway!)

    Equifax still won't delete my student loans!

    I have a mosquitto somewhere in my apartment who has personal bone to pick with me... (Packing lotsa bug spray for Montana)

    When do we leave???? :)
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Wellllll Montana would be ok, I guess, although it gets very very cold there. I would be happy to be stranded on an island with beaches all the way around. :D
  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I can't afford to even look at Prada either!!!

    I agree. I want to apply for a job at a bank but they pull your credit when you apply. You cannot have any collections, only medical, it's okay to have a bk, but they don't look at credit score. But they do pull only Equifax, my only clean report so I'm going to apply.

    You have to have good credit to apply for a job!!!

    When do we leave??
  11. chargedoff

    chargedoff Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good idea to me.
  12. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I am packing up the kids and hubby right now!!!
  13. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    We can all move to Montana and create the largest city in Montana. We can call it CreditNetville. Tell all three CRAs to go to H*LL and retire from the ratrace.

    My daughter wants to move to a climate that changes anyway...she is tired of no snow or cold.

    COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Daughter wants cold weather?? Hahahaha!! Do it! She will get over it fast.

  15. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member


    It maybe sounds weird for you but we are really tired of sunshine every day here in Florida.We need some changes.

    Coooooooold.....cooooooooooooold please... :)
  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    okay doke. Have it your way. You can have all the snow and ice that was allotted to me for my lifetime. :)

    IMO, it makes pretty postcards, that is all. Wait til you have to climb up and shovel off your roof. You shovel your driveway and the snowplow dumps the snow right back. And the heating bills!! You can have my share.
  17. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Okay but we have to deal with heat and cooling bills and hurricanes and...and...ah yeah VOTING MACHINES. :)
    Though there is no perfect place to live!!!
    Even Montana...never been there...but I'd like to see...
  18. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    The dog across the alley barked, wined, and howled ALL NIGHT last night. I am operating on 1/2 hours worth of sleep. I went down there every hour today to wake it up. It growls at me every time, like I care if it likes me. It's lucky to still be amoung the living. Just like a kid, you've got to train them to sleep at night and stay up in the day. But I guess it is taking after it's reliefer owners, who shouldn't even have a dog if they can't feed their kids. I'M CRANKY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I imagine animal right activists would have me arrested, but I had that problem once. I took the water hose and hosed the doggie down every time he did his thing for about an hour. He quit.

    The dog across the alley barked, wined, and howled ALL NIGHT last night. I am operating on 1/2 hours worth of sleep. I went down there every hour today to wake it up. It growls at me every time, like I care if it likes me. It's lucky to still be amoung the living. Just like a kid, you've got to train them to sleep at night and stay up in the day. But I guess it is taking after it's reliefer owners, who shouldn't even have a dog if they can't feed their kids. I'M CRANKY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    The thing is, I love animals. However, when you live close to other people, it's up to you to try every way humanly possible to make certain that your dog does not disturb others. We trained our dog not to bark, not to jump on people, and not to be a heathen in general. If you don't want to bother, then don't get a dog. They are only cute little puppies for soo long.

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