breeze ....I never said that I liked cold weather LOL. I just said that my daughter wanted some. Me, come fall I will just pretend I am a bear and hibernate. fla-tan
Dani, I did it but to Alaska! Guess what ? Doesnt help! Same rat race here except I get to deal with long dark winters severe SAD. Everything is online! The Alaska pipeline and support services are prime terrorist targets. We have bears! Big Hungry Bears! Alaska is a socialist state and we have lots of drunk natives in the street. They can seize your permanent fund check if you screw up your credit. 1 in 3 work for the government . State Capital is in Juneau and you cant drive there. So they do whatever they want. No state tax yet but the possibility of civil war exists if they pass the bill. Stupid tourists and stupid questions: "how many undiscovered lakes are ther in Alaska?" There is NO simple life anymore!
I don't know...don't think moving to Montana would actually work...cause everything outside your door will still be going on...I will just keep on the works and keeps me sane most of the time.