Apartment (Colletions)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tq87, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. tq87

    tq87 New Member

    Long story short. I was renting an apartment, monthly rent was $1,200 which was split between myself and my roommate. About 6 months into the 13 month lease my roommate bailed and went into the military without paying his half of the rent, I was later evicted. I never went to court to see what the judgement was. Now I have a $4k collection. What are my options as far as getting this removed. I paid the month before the month which I was evicted for non payment. If my rent was $1200 I don't see how I suddenly owe $4k.

    Should I dispute with the "Dispute Debt Sample Letter" to all three CRA's on the CA and OC account(s) listed on my CR as not mine?.

    Should I also send a debt validation letter to the CA?

    Since the OC (Apartment Complex) sold my debt to the CA, shouldn't the negative marks on my CR from the OC be removed since they have received theyre money by selling my debt to the CA? Also I never had a "Contract" with the CA so I am assuming I owe them nothing. Maybe I am misunderstanding the information posted in a thread.

    If anyone could give me step by step instructions on how to resolve this matter I would greatly appreciate it.

    I also have another question. The electric company still charged me 3 months after I was already evicted/moved out that also is in collections. I totally forgot to have it turned off after I moved out, I am guessing it stayed on until the new tenants moved in.

    Thanks for any help, its greatly appreciated as I am only 21 yrs old and do not need crap credit.

  2. tq87

    tq87 New Member

    Here is the letter I plan on sending to all three CRA'S regarding the CA account.

    Southern Management Systems
    625 Herdon Ave. Suite C
    Orlando,Fl 32803


    Dear Sir/Madame:

    This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information.

    I am distressed that you have included the below information in my credit profile and have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish.

    Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct.

    The following information therefore needs to be investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged item, specifically the contract, note or other instrument bearing my signature. Failing that, the item must be deleted from the report as soon as possible under the FCRA, if it is not removed after providing no proof (i.e some sort of document with my signature) as being my debt I will have no choice but to take legal action and sue for all damages occured:

    Southern Management Systems / Account #892

    Reason for Dispute: NOT MINE!

    The listed item is completely inaccurate and incomplete, and is a very serious error in reporting. Please delete this misleading information, and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes.

    Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 days of the completion of your investigation. I will also be keeping record of all
    letters sent and received.


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