Apartment complex Collections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dcj120, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. dcj120

    dcj120 Member

    My sister co-signed on an apartment complex lease in Ohio with her son. The son broke the lease and now they are coming after her and threatening to post a collection on her credit report. The apartment DID incur damages in lost rents and repairs of $3512. Can she do a debt validation in this situation since she did sign a contract? Is she better off paying the amount to avoid hurting her credit rating? Any help or direction would be most helpful.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Since she co-signed she is responsible for this debt.
    She can request validation from a collection agency, but not the original creditor (unless state law differs - I'm not a lawyer and don't know Ohio's laws)

    If she lets it go to a collection agency she can request validation of the debt, but her credit will already be damaged if they put a TL on her CR's!

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