Apartment Rental With Poor Credit ?

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by JOSEPHLB, Nov 8, 2003.


    JOSEPHLB New Member

    Anyone had any luck with renting with poor credit?

    How tough is it to be considered for a lease with poor credit, and has anyone had any experiences??

    I've had a rough year, with my 13 months of unemployment. I did finally find a good job, but my relationship with my girlfriend deteorated over the year, and I need to move out.
    Just checked my credit report recently, and my scores were in the 550 ranges.. give or take the changes since September.. My only problems are, I have a couple of charge-offs now being reported.

    Thank for any comments.
  2. marooned99

    marooned99 New Member

    I was able to rent an apartment with lower scores that you mentioned in your post. I did not pay anything extra for a deposit, just regular terms like anyone else.

    I used to be a current resident in my current complex over two years ago so I do not know if that had anything to do with allowing me obtain an apartment.

    Good luck with your adventure.
  3. boot21

    boot21 Member

    if you really want to get creative you could probably qualify for an FHA home loan as long as those charge off's are not government debt. with little or no down you could have your own house, and forget the hassle of leasing. They also have a down payment assistance program so you could put little or no down at all, just another avenue for you to possibly pursue!

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