Applied for and Cap1

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by annie, Aug 31, 2001.

  1. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    I applied for a 2nd cap 1 card, a VISA. I waited the 45+ days and made a huge payment on the Kmart Mastercard. I got the ole 7-10 thingee. Any chance of me getting the card? I just wanted a VISA to help with the re-building.
  2. dlo64

    dlo64 Well-Known Member

    It might be possible that they may not want to offer the terms for the account you applied for. For example, I applied for a Gold Visa that required a $49 security deposit and had a $39 annual fee. I applied over the phone and got the we will send you something in 7-10 days. I did not get a denial, I received a different offer of a $99 security deposit and a $72 annual fee.

    BTW, I ended up doing a PFB to Cap 1. Could not get the security deposit waived, but did get the annual fee waived.
  3. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    I think you'll get it, the terms may just not be which case, you simply call retention or do a PFB and work it out! :) Good luck...Keep us informed, o.k.?
  4. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    When I applied for cap1, the first time they wanted 199 to secure my card. I applied 6 mths later & they gave it to me for $99 fee.

    Not too bad, I was happy that ANYONE would give me a card. LOL

    In december, I will apply for my 2nd card, I am not sure where yet

    I am going to try and reopen my victoria secret card which I was never late on. I closed it before i KNEW about credit scoring & length of credit history.
  5. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Doodyhead, lovely Doodyhead..I must now request that you change your's a word that literally starts me chuckling every time I see it and near hysterics every time I write sides me, please?

    No, no, I'm just kidding....but it's true...the word tickles my
    Next time I'm faced with a "lovely" CA rep or a CRA rep or my boss, I'm gonna just think of that word and become hysterical...maybe even blurt out "doodyhead." If this occurs with my boss, I will hold you responsible....

    ...or what if this happens at a quiet ceremony? Like a wedding? What if this happens, dear doodyhead, when my students are taking a test and I suddenly scream the word out and laugh till I cry? What if I get so hysterical, I pee myself? What if...?


    List of other names that would have the same effect:

    Nave (AHAAH, just kidding)
    PBM - no, not the name, just a note that this message was vital to my credit life because if I lose my job, then I lose my credit, and, well, you get the picture!
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    You are SOOOO funny Nana. I personally like the Nave reference. But you forgot to add meadowmuffin and cowchip. I personally chuckle at meadowmuffin, but cowchip sounds like something you play poker with. hehehehe
  7. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Why thank you, Erica...I like your additions! LOL

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