Applying for a cellphone

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dmplz618, Sep 16, 2002.

  1. dmplz618

    dmplz618 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know which credit reports the following cell phone companies pull:

  2. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    Sprint pulled Equifax for me.
  3. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    I just went with Verizon. You would have thought I was applying for a mortgage. I'm not sure who they pulled but they had to do a credit check. I'll let you know when it shows up. I think it was TU.
    I applied and picked a plan on the web on 2 occasions and it never got through. Finally called. They were busy so I left a phone number. They never called back. I "planetfeedbacked" them and got a call the next morning. After getting my phone, they programmed it wrong. Spent an entire day and a half over the weekend straightening it out. What an ordeal. To be fair though, they were really busy because they took on WorldCom customers within the last few days and I also think they were busy because of kids going back to school (college kids w/phones).
  4. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    I will say, if at all possible, avoid SPRINT. They're service is not all that great, plus you have to pay a galling $3.00 every time you call customer service which is just a crock.

    I have 9 more months on my plan, and I'm gonna change to a different carrier.
  5. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Cingular- Equifax

    The reason I mentioned Cingular was because they are running a special for new people to join, and they are offering rollover minutes.

    By the way, I know you didn't ask about Cingular ;-)
  6. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Mistake........ Double post.......
  7. HuriKane

    HuriKane Well-Known Member

    T-Mobile pulled TU for me and I only needed $75 upfront... Better than Cingular, they wanted $500
  8. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    this is only for sub-prime account holders, and you can ask to be upgraded after 9 mo of good payments. (I work for PCS)

    and they pulled EX for me in KS

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Speaking of COLLEGE kids...the payphones at colleges are LOSING BIG TIME!!!
  10. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    Suncom approved me with a 490 Transunion. I know they didnt pull experian as I have not hit on Credit Expert. But they could have equifax as I dont have creditwatch due to my split file.

    My Equifax score is my highest score of the 3 companies
  11. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    You know I was searching high and low for a cell phone roughly about 6 months ago.. I knew my credit was TERRIBLE so I ended up getting the verizon pre-pay deal. My credit now is much better (at least good enough for a cell phone plan) but.... I LOVE the pre-paid plan very much so if what you are looking for doesn't work out try the pre paid plan deal with Verizon....

    Good Luck :)
  12. tommyy

    tommyy Well-Known Member

    applied 6 months ago for Verizon. They pulled Experian. 665 score, approved for 5 lines.
  13. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Nextel pulled EQ for me in Michigan. No deposit after speaking to a supervisor. They accidently pulled a Dunn and Bradstreet report on me the first time and it came up empty (ohhh duh) after they pulled EQ I was good to go. They even offered me 200 free mins a month as long as I am a Nextel customer. Now THAT is customer service. 1200 local minutes, free nights and weekends 54.99 a month.
  14. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    What was your score when nextel pulled your report? Nextel pulled EQ for me too (i'm in minnesota). My score was 636, and they asked for a $1200 deposit. Needless to say, I didn't take it

    My score today is 653, thanx to a few things now off my report.

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