I just went with Verizon. You would have thought I was applying for a mortgage. I'm not sure who they pulled but they had to do a credit check. I'll let you know when it shows up. I think it was TU. I applied and picked a plan on the web on 2 occasions and it never got through. Finally called. They were busy so I left a phone number. They never called back. I "planetfeedbacked" them and got a call the next morning. After getting my phone, they programmed it wrong. Spent an entire day and a half over the weekend straightening it out. What an ordeal. To be fair though, they were really busy because they took on WorldCom customers within the last few days and I also think they were busy because of kids going back to school (college kids w/phones).
I will say, if at all possible, avoid SPRINT. They're service is not all that great, plus you have to pay a galling $3.00 every time you call customer service which is just a crock. I have 9 more months on my plan, and I'm gonna change to a different carrier.
Cingular- Equifax The reason I mentioned Cingular was because they are running a special for new people to join, and they are offering rollover minutes. By the way, I know you didn't ask about Cingular ;-)
this is only for sub-prime account holders, and you can ask to be upgraded after 9 mo of good payments. (I work for PCS) and they pulled EX for me in KS
Suncom approved me with a 490 Transunion. I know they didnt pull experian as I have not hit on Credit Expert. But they could have equifax as I dont have creditwatch due to my split file. My Equifax score is my highest score of the 3 companies
Sprint is JUST the Worse . Period. SEE below links.... http://www.usatoday.com/money/columns/lamb/0012.htm http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/2000-09-14/news.html http://www.usbusiness-review.com/0103/02.html http://www.sprintpcs-sucks.org/howsprintpcsscrewedme/howsprintpcsscrewedme.html http://www.complaints.com/complaintofthedaynovember232000.2.htm http://sj.znet.com/~macguru/journal/013100.html http://www.planetfeedback.com/Wireless/Sprint PCS/SprintPCS-wireless_feedback-letters.html http://securities.stanford.edu/1018/PCS01/ Or , you could sign up for the EVIL Empire and become a minion of evil. VJ
You know I was searching high and low for a cell phone roughly about 6 months ago.. I knew my credit was TERRIBLE so I ended up getting the verizon pre-pay deal. My credit now is much better (at least good enough for a cell phone plan) but.... I LOVE the pre-paid plan very much so if what you are looking for doesn't work out try the pre paid plan deal with Verizon.... Good Luck
Nextel pulled EQ for me in Michigan. No deposit after speaking to a supervisor. They accidently pulled a Dunn and Bradstreet report on me the first time and it came up empty (ohhh duh) after they pulled EQ I was good to go. They even offered me 200 free mins a month as long as I am a Nextel customer. Now THAT is customer service. 1200 local minutes, free nights and weekends 54.99 a month.
What was your score when nextel pulled your report? Nextel pulled EQ for me too (i'm in minnesota). My score was 636, and they asked for a $1200 deposit. Needless to say, I didn't take it My score today is 653, thanx to a few things now off my report.