Approval for Roni!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by girl6, Feb 12, 2002.

  1. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    Wow! I was approved for the start up of my new dental office. Awesome! I think this would have taken years I know this would have taken years longer if it were not for my many friends at creditnet encouraging me on the way.

    I have colleagues who are still struggling over their credit the YOu know how proud people get when it comes to their credit. I got $175K to start which is fine. I am just renting the office and it already is a dentist office now so plumbing is already set up. Awesome!

    I am meeting with a friend today to discuss business issues. He started his first office in 1997 and had 2 offices by 1999. He was actually in Ebony Magazine for successful black dentist (yes he's married).

    Ok, that's my update.

  2. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Congratulations-and best wishes for future success with your own practice!!!!
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    You go girl!!!!!!!!!! you are an inspiration to people like me, not that I will be opening a dental office...hehe but just with your credit issues in general, come back more often and someday post a story for the newbies :)
  4. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    I am gonna kick your butt!!!!
    Got me all stressed out on this DAMN board looking for you and you've been here all the while.

    I am really serious about flying up for some dental work. #30 must be removed immediately. #19 can go whenever you say. I am so happy for you.
    Email me (
    Delta Preferred. Again, I repeat - 19/30 extraction and we'll talk about the bridge work later.

    Congrats again!!!
  5. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Congratulation Roni!!!

    What a great feeling it must be to be your own boss!
    Here's wishing you much success:)
  6. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member


    Remeber to be nice to the patients whose accounts go into collections! LOL!

  7. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    Actually I have been gone. I needed a long break from this board to analyze my future. I am glad I did.

    As for your dental work....sure anytime. I hope to be open by April 1.
  8. jzilla

    jzilla Well-Known Member

    Roni, that is fantastic! You've been my inspration since I started coming here! I've finally got one completely clean report (exp) and the othr two are down to 2 negs (TU) and 1 neg due to fall off in Nov (eq). I wouldn't have even tried this if it hadn't been for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    I am so happy for you..... Yes, your story has inspired me and I hope to achieve the same type of credit success you have. I look forward to the day when it happens.. thanks for posting, it really helps to keep us going when we hear these success stories.
  10. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Roni (aka girl6)!!!

    That is really sweet and I wish you all the best with your practice!

    By they way how long have you been practicing before you decided to make the plunge?

    Was it through a conventional bank that you got your financing?

    Again Congrats!

  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Roni. I knew you'd get it when you decided to go for it. Best of luck with the new office. Also, nice to see ya here once in awhile.
  12. zip

    zip Well-Known Member

    congratulations Roni!!! You truley have been an inspiration to me also!! Keep up the great work!!
  13. Newcomer

    Newcomer Well-Known Member

    WOOO HOOOOO! You go Girl!!!! Let us know when they feature YOU in Black Enterprise and Ebony:)

    God Bless!
  14. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    That's awesome Roni!

    Congratulations! - I'm so glad everything is working out wonderfully
  15. KK

    KK Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and the best of luck.

  16. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS RONI!!! I know you have worked long & hard for this. Enjoy and be proud of yourself....."you've come a long"!!!
  17. mindylou

    mindylou Well-Known Member

    RRROOONNNIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good to hear from you congratulations on your new business adventure, I'm sure you will have a very successful practice, with expansion in the near future. :) :) :)

  18. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    Now that's nice! That's the best thing I heard all year.

    To the rest of you thanks for your wonderful words. I am shaking in my boots.

    I have a question for you guys also. Do you like marketing for docs and dentist. I mean is it a turn off when you see an add in the newspaper, a flyer or a greeting card from a dentist inviting you to their practice? I am just testing the waters here a bit.

    Thanks again for your love and encouragement. Everyone on creditnet can get a FREE cleaning from me anytime.
  19. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Roni! Hope you have a long and successful career. A friend of mine just opened a dental practice also, she is very happy! Hope you will be also :)
  20. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    congrats girl! Now your butt better be giving us a discount on some of your fine work. I'm gonna need a platinum grill (bling bling) after i win the lottery.

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