APPROVED...again! This time Chevron/Texaco!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rikoseth, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. rikoseth

    rikoseth Well-Known Member

    Just got approved about a month ago from Macy's, then got a letter the other day from Chevron, asking me to call for more info to complete the process after applying online. I called today and they just verified basic info, and then said my card would be arriving soon! Don't know the limit, but the rep said between $300 and $1000! WOOHOO thank u Credit Net!

    Theres only one catch...hahahah...I didn't notice when I applied, but there are no Chevrons or Texacos in New York! HAAAAAHAHA...So I can't really use it. But I am from North Carolina, so I can use it when I visit home:)

    I applied for an American Express Green around the same time, and have yet to hear anything from them. When I applied online that same night, it said they needed to review it further...crossing my fingers!

    Things are beginning to look up!

    Thanks everybody!
  2. lisa

    lisa Administrator

    Congratulations! We are always glad to hear great news from members of this community!

    Good luck to you with the Amex Green. Did you happen to apply for the Amex Green Rewards Card through Creditnet?

    American Express Green Rewards Credit Card
  3. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    I think you may soon have a problem because of applying for too many cards too fast. It lowers your score and makes it look like you are desperate for credit if you apply too fast. had an article about that a few months ago and they recommend that one should not apply for more than 1 card every six months.

    I've seen other reliable sources make the same statements.
  4. rikoseth

    rikoseth Well-Known Member

    I know cap...I realize that I shouldn't be applying like that...but after 5 or 6 years of total crap credit and getting declined over and over for everything out there...I just went crazy one week, overjoyed with happiness and optimism. I have regained control, and do not plan on applying for anything else in the next few months:) GOD I hope I get that AMEX green...but I know that is a really BIG long shot, and doubtful:( I wouldn't want another card if I got that...I only want one good CC that is not secured... and orchard will decline me I know, they are a division of someone on my CR with a derog...

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