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Approved For Chase & Bofa Pending

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kevinw01, Oct 17, 2002.

  1. kevinw01

    kevinw01 Well-Known Member

    Hello There,

    I found out that today both Chase and Bofa have been approved pending address verification... they both said need copy of utility bill fax over to them... cool finally got Chase and Bofa... will post what card, cr line and apr as soon as I get the info...

    Hey Ron Thank You for your info and others that respond to my previous post!


  2. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

  3. kevinw01

    kevinw01 Well-Known Member

    Hello Azur24,

    Thank You! and good luck to you on whatever you apply for!


  4. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    I am holding out for my TU and EQ to clear next month.

    Then, I will wait for some accounts to age and.........................

    apply for AMEX BLUE!
  5. B-Down

    B-Down Well-Known Member


    I got Chase and BofA in late August. Both have been good so far. Although the Chase limit is low compared to my other cards, I can't complain about either. You'll enjoy both cards good customer service I'm sure.
  6. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I love the CS at Chase so far. Everytime I've called, I've been on hold for no more than 2 minutes.
  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Approved For Chase & Bofa Pendi


    Congradulations!!!! I think that BofA is easy to get. I got both Visa and MC . By the way, Chase is tougher to get in my own opinion.


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