Sloy, If you say "you don't believe in borrowing money" then what the heck do you have on your credit reports?? I can understand your feelings about post bk'ers, but not everyone filed because of abuse of credit. And the truth like MJ said, is we NEED to get credit to REBUILD if we EVER want any type of decent loan in the future. Just because we filed doesn't make us all bad risks, and the lenders realize that by how we handle ourselves AFTER the fact. They EXPECT to see some type of proof of how we handle credit NOW. I truly believe you have every right to feel however you want to about people who file. That's your own thing. But having had to do it myself this last year was no picnic, I seriously never in my life thought or expected I would have to. (My reasons had nothing to do with being a lowlife who just didn't want to pay their bills but other serious life altering things such as severe health problems). This board welcomes anyone, it's about HELPING people and offering advice to help yourself work your way back UP. When someone who hasn't been there thinks they know what's best. it does get people going. Just as you feel you have a right to express your view about something you've never experienced yourself, we feel we have the right to explain our side because we HAVE been there. Perhaps it would help if you learned how to express your opinions in a more open, non judgemental way. Best of luck to you and your cleaning up on your reports. And may you never have to borrow money again.