CC Companies NEVER check incom Thinking back on incomes. CC Companies NEVER verify your income so you could say you make 100k a year. But I guess thats fraud.. just a thought.
RE: Debbie.... Here's my info- Experian has 8 negative items (includes 2 charge offs and the rest are paid collections(mostly student loans)). Trans Union has 4 negative items (the same 2 charge offs (one is paid) and paid collections) Equifax-has 6 negative items (the same 2 charge offs and paid collections) My income is low because I go to school 3/4 time $28,500 But I have been at my job for 2 years and 9 months And I have lived at the same apartment for 2 years. I also have a checking and savings account. And my credit has been clean for the past 2 years. As far as positive info. on my reports each one has between 6 and 8 entries. I have a secured capital one card 12/98 Target 5/99 Orchard 5/99 Bally's gym membership paid 2/98 Three paid student loans, one was just paid off in Sept. 00 and I don't know about the other two right off the top of my head. Closed Dept. store in 1/98