app't in CA office??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by radi8, Oct 17, 2002.

  1. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    you guys are hilarious, I needed a good laugh right about now
  2. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    OMG, did you really do that??


    you said there were other people around.. what were they doing? did they have "appointments" as well?
  3. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    I assume they had "appointments" as well.
    Looks like they signed in, and waited to see the manager, one at a time.

    If I had a few more guts, I should've stood outside the door conducting "exit interviews".

    "How was your visit today"
    "Did you get a satisfactory resolution?"
    "Can you stand up straight, or are you permanantly bent over?"

    Reminds me of that Monty Python skit
    " No, this is getting-hit-on-the-head lessons...abuse is down the hall"

  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Hilarious!! C'mon, you made that up, didn't you?
  5. FicoSux

    FicoSux Well-Known Member

    Should have told them your first name was Smith and your last name was Wesson...=) They are lucky no one has shown up with a shotgun or something.
  6. crebre

    crebre Well-Known Member

    lol. that was great.
  7. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    I love it! You're too funny.

    I wonder what you'll get in the mail next. Something that says "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO COME IN FOR AN APPOINTMENT."

    If you get another invitation are you going to go?

    Please do!


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