APR - Bank of America

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Thomas, 3.9% for life with BofA ? When did you get it and WHO specifically did you talk to, how long did you have the account and what CL did you have ?
  2. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I got it about 4 or 5 months ago. It came in the mail. It was after I had talked with the relationship person about lowering the APR, but I don't think it was connected.

    My opinion with BOA is that you have to ask for the specials. They don't tell you.

    I have had the same banking relationship for 25 years, with my banks being bought up, eventually ending up with BOA. They consider me a "prime" customer because of the length of time with them, I have a mortgage with them, car loan, checking account, etc.
  3. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    I have never asked for anything from any bank. They always send me the offers unsolicited. I think I get them because I exercise my credit. I can't think of any other reason why they would give me some offers that are simply incredible. The 0% APR from Chase for a year was just amazing.

  4. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member


    BofA also carries my mortgage and we bank there too ( well since Feb when we did the refi). I don't necessarily NEED the 3.9 right now since I am enjoying two discovers at 0%.. but I will be asking them for the 3.9 in the future based on what you have shared, if needed. BofA called a couple of Saturday's ago and was offering hubby 3.9 for 6 months .. then 12.99 after.. ha.. thanks but no thanks. I do have the 3.9 for life on a citi-bank card.

    creditworks:..... I have a CHASE too.. gained last December, 8200 CL @ 6.4% used just for a short time before getting the 3.9 with Citi-Bank. I've asked them TWICE for the 0% for a year using their website. declined, declined, nothing like that available on my account.. check back later. Our scores using credit expert are both good somewhere between 720-749 no BK or derogs ever.. so I am just waiting to see if time changes anything.

  5. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    Time may change it, but exercising credit is what makes it grow and less expensive. That has been my experience. When you don't need credit they will extend those great offers, when you need it they will try to charge you their highest rates.


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