fico 674.......equifax 674......trans union 695.....experian(some plus score)726 This was before any disputes so they are in the process of investigation. I started all this process on the 11th of July. Do I wait until all matters are resolved then run another credit report in about a month(30 days). Its kind of confusing when you go to each CRA and try to get your current score. Should I just wait for 30 days and then go to and get that score. or do I keep checking for chances individually??? What is the score that really matters or do all of them matter?
I believe the scores will change after the disputes are investigated and your report is adjusted accordingly. Each one might go up, down or stay the same, so it's hard to tell the damage if any. Maybe someone else can jump in and give more specific answers. The person who told you to routinely dispute positive entries did not do you any favors.
What to do depends upon what you want to accomplish. If you want to apply for credit, then let the disputes process before applying. Sometimes a tradeline in dispute makes your report look worse than it is when applying for credit. If you just want to see changes in your FICO score, then there is no harm (other than the cost!), of frequently pulling your score.