I just logged in to check on my disputes and this is what came back on my student loan: Transferred/Claim filed with government. $355 past due as of 2-2002. What does a trans claim meaN? Thanks, Kim
I think that means they transferred the loan to someone else, and the claim with government might have to do with tax refund claims.
either you consolidated this student loan or perhaps you defaulted and guarantor paid the claim to the original lender? have you requested you student files from sallie mae, so you can see what you owe and who is servicing your loans?
Yikes..luckily I already did my taxes. This marked the first year I ever got anything back. That would've stunk for them to take it back on me. Hmm...any ideas as to where I go from here? Please?? Thanks, kim
Well I have chosen to rehab mine, after 12 payments they will delete all negative information and they will turn into positive trades. I think this is a good option, unless you can get out of paying them somehow. I assume they are yours?
Hi wow..I thought that it was a mistake but maybe its not. See I had loans taken out from Dept of ed and federal loans. I thought they were one in the same (don't know why) and I defaulted on them. I have paid my dept of ed loans off not through the rehab because I didn't know of it until recently so they show PIF on my reports. I guess it is possible then that this one is defaulted to. I dont remember getting anything paperwork wise from them. Not like the Dept of Edu who called and wrote me daily. Stinks because I was only there 2 months but I guess everyone has a story right? Ok so for the 350 I will go into rehab. Now the mailing address is on my credit report. Does anyone have the phone # for Federal Direct student loan. I will have to speak w/ someone to make sure this is correct. Thanks, Kim