Arrow called at 3:45am!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AMYB128, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. AMYB128

    AMYB128 Member

    Hello, 'This morning at 3:45am I got a phone call from asset. It was a recording to call mrs so and so!! Is this against the law?? What do I do next, I am kind of helpless at this stuff. I did have a debt negotiation co working for me, but all they did is get me sued...and 2 default judgements against me! So I quit their program, and I need some step by step help on what to do....HELP!!
  2. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    You get a copy of your incoming telephone call record from your telephone company and file suit against Asset immediately for this FDCPA violation.
  3. AMYB128

    AMYB128 Member

    And they called again at 3:30am this morning!!
  4. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Also take a pic of the caller id.

    I'd first send them a statutory violation demand letter with copies of the proof. Get the "proof" notarized simply for "dating" the proof. If they send you the 1K - great! No court. Otherwise, after the time limit you give them, file in small claims.
  5. AMYB128

    AMYB128 Member

    can't I get the records from the phone company, of my outgoing calls? and should the violation be 2K, because they called 2 times? Thanks
  6. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Arrow called at 3:45am!!!

    Now you get the copy of this call info from the phone company and sue them again for another violation of the FDCPA!

    Yes, they have violated the FDCPA on two separate occasions @$1000 per violation

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