Arrow Financial at it again...argh!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jdog0411, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    Well, it appears that my almost clean credit has taken yet another hit this week.

    Back in April, I went through the validation process with Arrow Financial about a debt, and they never validated and refused to delete an account off of my Equifax credit report.

    After having enough of AFS, I sued them in Illinois District Court. The case just got out of discovery phase and is still pending. After the suit, the listing from Arrow was deleted from Equifax. It never appeared on the other bureau reports.

    I just checked Experian tonight, and a new collection from Arrow shows up for a different account that they are collecting that dates back to 97 (so they say). I never had them validate this account because it never appeared before.

    So, these bastards actually had the balls to put a new derog on my Experian report while I am in the middle of suing them for violations of the FDCPA on another account they hold. Unbelievable.

    So, this has been a busy week for the people who are trying to destroy my recently rebuilt credit. Seems that my battle will never be over.

    This account is reporting kind of strange as well. It says "no status" and the statement is "under dispute under the Fair Credit Billing Act". Here is the derog as it appears on Experian:


    5996 W TOUHY AVE
    NILES, IL 60714

    Account Number:

    Original Creditor:


    Date Opened:

    Reported Since:

    Date of Status:
    Monthly Payment:

    Last Reported:

    Credit Limit/Original Amount:

    High Balance:

    Recent Balance:
    $xxxxx as of 07/2002

    Recent Payment:

    Your statement :
    Account in dispute under Fair Credit Billing Act

    So, now what do I do? I am hating life having to deal with problems I thought I had already dealt with.
  2. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I share your frustration with them. They did something similar to me. I think there maybe something wrong with their software because they couldn't be that stupid could they??

    I had a chargeoff with Mervyn's and I did the validation route. They sold it to another ca did the validation route with them too, they never put it on my cra. Meanwhile, Arrow came off.

    Last week it pops up again on a different cra. I am currently disputing to see if I can get it off, plus for additional violations of the law. They also reaged it to look like it happened a couple of years ago instead of 5 years.

    I'd try disputing it to see if it comes off. If it doesn't then can you add that to the lawsuit that you currently have pending?
  3. rnmtenorio

    rnmtenorio Active Member

    I'm on the same boat, I just started my credit repairing about a month ago.
    AFS just posted a collections for Bank One two days ago on my Experian. i'm sending them a validation today. I think Bank one is Service Merchandise and they are gone. Hopefully they won't be able to validate. Good luck!!
  4. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    Mine is for Bank One also. I will fax a letter to them today reminding them of my current suit against them, and then see if they want to be "civilized" about this latest reporting.
  5. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member


    I'd let my lawyer proof any communications before you send it since, litigation is involved.
  6. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member


    This is the same thing they did to me. My TU report was clean I would say for 12 hours. They put an old reaged account from Arrow (Mervyn's) on my report. I will send in a dispute a week if I have to.
  7. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    It is TU also, I wasn't sure if it was punishment for sending a procedure request letter.

    I am waiting to see what they do because I'm ready to file suit against them also. They are just adding more fuel to the fire.
  8. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Update: I just checked my experian report. Guess what?? it's on there too. I am so pissed. Of course, I immediately disputed it. It's not on equifax yet, I'll give them to the end of the month.

    Jdog, before you filed suit did you send and intent to sue letter? If so, what address and fax# did you use? They are using a different address from their Lincolnwood, IL address now. You can email it to me if you want to. If you have legal contact info. email that too.

    I'm applying for a mortgage soon. I need to get it off in a hurry. I don't have time to b.s. with these people.

    Are they really that stupid?? I can't believe they would so nicely set themselves up for easy lawsuits. There's no end to ca stupidity and liability, is there?

    Also, my listing also has the last date of 7/02 too. Isn't that strange?
  9. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Now that is truly weird, 07/02 was the last date of activity on mine also.

    I checked my TU report to see the status of my dispute. It appears they verified the info.

    I called and opened ANOTHER dispute telling them that they reaged the account, they said they would check it out.

    Was this ever on your report before?

    I remember this being on my EX report, that is how I KNOW they reaged the account, because this was over a year ago that it came off.
  10. mnelfort

    mnelfort Member

    Hey all I was just reading this post and noticed that we all share the same problem with arrow financial services. They were once on my credit report a couple a months ago, assignee of G.E. and disappeared for a while but earlier this morning I noticed that they were back on my experian CR. Mines was also reaged to 7/2002.. If only we all can get together to file complaints against them. I'm sure we're not the only ones there doing this to. Something is just not right here, that they reaged the accounts to 7/2002

    Thank you all for sharing your situations.
  11. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    For those of you who have encountered this, which reports did it suddenly re-appear on? My old Arrow account has only appeared on Experian right now.

    Mine wasn't re-aged (showing 5/97) but it is strange that Arrow was so busy slamming reports. I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that my reports are updating on Sunday nights.

    Anyway, I have already faxed Arrow a letter (leaving details out) and I await word from them. It usually takes 5 letters just to get a response. I also disputed the listing with Experian. Hopefully they will wise up and not verify it, because if they do, I am going to take further action. There is no way they can verify the account they are trying to collect. Therefore, they can't report it to the bureaus.
  12. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    No it was not on my TU report before. I think it was on experian but it got deleted. It is not on equifax, but I don't remember if it was on there before.

    I do know it was on 1 report before.

    They are making it very easy for a lawsuit. They have put themselves in some serious liability.
  13. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    This account was ORIGINALLY on my Experian report when it was collectable. Now that it isn't, they can't stick it on Experian, because I am assuming Experian would automatically block it.

    So, instead they attack another report, Transunion!

    I am REALLY fed up with this. How it came back verified when I disputed it 10/02 is BEYOND me. So, I disputed it again. I don't know whether or not calling TU fraud department would help at all, but if it is verified again, I am calling.
  14. HawgHanner

    HawgHanner Well-Known Member

    What would it take to get the court to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Arrow from updating any of your credit records until the original court case is settled?

    Hawg Hanner
  15. mark777

    mark777 Well-Known Member

    I had a very large collection from AFS appear on EX this past Feb. I sent a very strong validation request to Arrow and they sent me a letter saying they would delete the tradeline. It took 2 months but was removed from EX.

    Two weeks ago the same account appeared on my TU with a status of 07/02. I called the customer care dept. # (I know an oxymoron) from the letter they sent and the person was to my surprise quite pleasant. Two days later it was removed from TU.

    Keep after them, with enough pressure they will fold.

  16. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    Can you post or email me the number you used to call them?
  17. mark777

    mark777 Well-Known Member

    1 800 279-0224 ext. 6000

  18. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Oh my God,

    I have to calm down!!!!!

    I called this number and some guy named I. Patel answered. I told him that I have send two validation letters that have gone unanswered this month, along with a dispute from TU.

    He asks what is wrong. I tell him that the account is over 8 years old. What are they doing.

    He tells me it is a collection (for them) since 1999.

    I told him, I don't care if it was a collection from yesterday, he needs to respond to my validation request. He tells me they have never received anything and that it is LEGAL for them to collect since they received it in 1999.

    I finally decide to request a supervisor, he tells me he IS one.

    After telling him that I am filing suit against his company, he hangs up on me.

    I call back, request a supervisor, some lady gets on the phone, I ask her name, she says something REALLY fast, I ask her to spell it for me, she blows really hard in the phone and slams the phone down on me.

  19. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Just got off the phone with TU, told the rep. what happened.

    She took a closer look at my file and determined this WAS past the SOL, and she is DELETING THE ACCOUNT!!!!!

    Can someone say THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!

    My file is now clear of derogs!!

    Damn them for trying to take advantage!!!!!
  20. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Azur, glad to hear the news!

    Make sure you get something in writing that they are going to do this. Maybe a copy of the UDF or a letter on letterhead signed by someone in their office.

    I'll probably call them tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get the same news.

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