Don't need it, just looked at worthknowing. The "score" was 10 this morning now at "41". I know the score means nothing. Scrolled down, it's gone!! Immediately logged into TU, it's gone. I don't know if my real FICO will change today or if I have to wait until tomorrow, so I am going to wait to buy it. I just hope Arrow doesn't go after my Equifax report next!
I think we all should file a class action law suit against Arrow. They are claiming to be ASSIGNEE of purchased debt all the time. I have proof of that. They sent me letter stating that they purchased my debt and now they are claiming and reporting as ASSIGNEE. This is a clear violation of FDCPA.
I'm not sure what part of the FDCPA is violated by them claiming to be an assignee of Bank One rather than the owner of the account, but I wouldn't bet it doesn't break some law. I would have to research that one further. I know that there are enough violations between all of us that are clear and obvious to get a class action started. I would be in on that.
Dosen't it break FDCPA 807 [15 USC 1962e]: A debt collector may not use any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means in connection with the collection of any debt. FDCPA (10) The use of any false representation or deceptive means to collect or attempt to collect any debt or to obtain information concerning a consumer
One of the purposes of validation is to prevent the reporting of the TL. Ignoring a problem until AFTER they report it I think it's fair to say opens one up to new problems. Sec 809, provides an opportunity to validate a debt starting on the same day you get the first notice. Remember folks, the problem doesn't "go away" just because it's not on your report. That said: they are reporting incorrectly.
I posted back in August about these pond scummers and got an e-mail sent to me from an attorney from California that they were collecting information for a class action lawsuit. I will forward this post to him. I don't know what state everyone is in, and once I keep better records, I will be sending him my information. If he is still doing this, I haven't responded, as my recordkeeping needed some work, but hopefully, he will get in touch with those of you posting on this thread. I don't know much about e-mail etiquitte (sp) but to avoid "alerting the enemy", this is the most efficient thing I know to do. Let me know otherwise.
I just checked my Experian and Arrow has done the same thing to me. They re-inserted an account as ASSIGNEE OF METRIS with NO STATUS and a reporting date of 7/2002. The statement shows "Account under dispute under Fair Credit Billing Act." I have the written proof that this account was removed in November 2001. I also have a letter from Direct Merchant's Bank stating the account was in fact paid when closed in 2000 and was placed for collection as a result of their error. The Experian rep originally told me the account was re-inserted in 7/2002. I pointed out that I check my credit almost every day, so no it wasn't. He then changed his tune and said they added it 10/18/02. I have never received the FCRA required notice of re-insertion for this tradeline. Should I call this CA again or just file a lawsuit for their violations? I'm tired of these scumbag CAs ignoring the law with impunity. It's obvious from the postings here that this was not a random error; but part of a pattern of violations. Any thoughts are appreciated. Greg
Greg, You have your documents lined up pretty well. I'd just go ahead and file suit. Then I'd offer to CONSIDER dropping it for deletion AND money.
The listing that Arrow put on my reports is also like that. It says "NO STATUS" and "disputed under fair credit billing act". It has no comment stating how long it will be on the report either. What is going on with this? Do we have Experian on reporting this account inaccurately? I've never heard of an account being listed so vaguely.
It showed up TU and Exp so I don't think it's the CRAs who are necessarily doing it. I really think it's Arrow. I'm thinking that it has something to do with the fact that they just moved offices recently. I think that may have activated all accounts regardless of status or something. On my CRAs it's an R9 with no dispute. I spoke with Mr. Martin, I was supposed to fax him some proof yesterday. I'm waiting until Monday. JDog have you dealt with him? Is he trustworthy? He said "we can make this go away without a lawsuit." FYI - Arrow Financial is also National Asset Recovery Systems (NARS). I have them on definate violations. If I don't get what I want, I will definately file suit.
Same thing here! It's on my Experian. It popped up on my report Oct. 19, the day after Bank One was removed for failure to respond. It is listed as A.F.S. ASSIGNEE OF BANK ONE. I know for a fact that they purchased the debt, that is why I disputed with Bank One. Check out how they have the history listed: Date Opened: 05/2002 Reported Since: 09/2001 Date of Status: 09/2001 Last Reported: 07/2002 Are they F'ing idiots?
Lance Martin is NOT trustworthy. Do NOT believe a word he says. I've come across some pretty sketchy people during my Credit Repair journey, and he has been the worst.
Wow!! They have been very busy. I just checked my credit report and they just reinserted an "assigned" account from Illinois Power that isn't even ours. I have a letter from them stating that they were sending a letter to have the tradeline deleted which they did and now they reinserted it on TU. I have already contacted a lawyer and all I have to say is..... LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!
I have a similar letter from them from a couple of years back and they never followed through on it. Would you mind posting what your letter says? You could email me if you like. I'm curious to see if they just send out form letters or if they are individualized on a per case basis.
Hubby just had a reinsertion and we have a letter from them from some time ago stating it was an error and to remove. So, we sent in the letter from the CA to the CRA...but this is ridiculous.
Could I get the exact wording of the letter they sent you? I have a letter stating similar information, but I think they are just blowing smoke because they are still balking. The CRA is Experian, and they are refusing to take the letter into account. I am preparing to sue Experian if they don't respond in the next week. I will be suing for re-insertion without notification.
His is a universal form and is signed by Arrow personnel stating that the account was listed in error. Experian is refusing??
Did Lance Martin sign it? Why was the account in error? Was it not your account or did they just fail to validate? Arrow has failed to validate any of their tradelines, and I am currently suing them for one, and they just re-inserted another last week (during my current suit, real geniuses...). Once Experian investigates an account, it is difficult to get them to investigate again. They tell me I need to contact Arrow. I told them I did, and they are ignoring me. The fact is, Experian illegally reinserted the account anyway, so I think my best bet is to sue Experian for that violation to get the account deleted, and deal with Arrow later if I need to.