Good Morning - Just wanted to share with you that I just had Experian e-mail me my results of their investigation. Can we say my 2 paid collections from Arrow Financial - DELETED! Can we say my 2 paid collections from Paragon Way - DELETED! I paid these accounts at the end of last year. I tried the nutcase letter, didn't work. So I waited a couple of months and disputed again, and I e-mailed the President, CEO, VP, every e-mail address I could find at Arrow, and I sent the VP and CEO, Collections Attorney a DV via CRRR. I am waiting for AFNI now - sons of guns. Okay, back to work. Just wanted to share!
Glad Experian deleted your ARROW account.....because they won't mine! I am working on ARROW it took you a few tries? CONGRATS
Yep, it took at least 3 months. I just kept reading the board, searching for different tactics. Now, I have to see ow long it is going to take them to remove them off of TU and EQ.
Arrow Financial, Paragon Way and AFNI removed all of their collections off of one credit report, but there are 2 AFNI reports on the other 2. Do I have to dispute with the CRA's in writing - AGAIN?