Arrow Financial Services HELP

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jdog0411, Apr 11, 2002.

  1. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    After 5 attempts, and over 60 days, Arrow Financial Services finally faxes me a response to validation. First, here is their response:


    Dear jdog0411:

    In response to your various form letters, including the most recent of April 9, 2002, please be advised that this agency purchased the reference account in March, 2001, and our initial validation notice was sent to you at that time. Accordingly, we have no obligation to validate the debt as requested in a letter you allegedly sent in February, 2002. While we have noted your dispute in our credit reporting, the balance of $555.14 remains due and owing.

    Additionally, as you know, this agency also owns your Best Products/Bank One Account with a current balance of xxxxx. Although your request on that file was similarly late, you were provided with copies of the application and statements and made an unacceptable offer to settle that debt. We have similarly not received any payments on that account, and the total balance due on both accounts stands at xxxxx as of this date. I look forward to receiving payment of that amoun so that we may close your files as paid in full.

    This is an attempt to collect a debt...blah blah blah...

    Lance Martin
    Vice President and General Counsel


    What the he** is this all about? First they state that they already gave me the opportunity to validate, which even if they did, they can't prove. The first account he listed is the only one I referenced in my validation requests, and they are trying to weasel out of validating it. This account is also the only one listed on my credit reports. They had the Best Products account listed also, but I got it deleted a while back. How do I fight these a-holes?? I think I need to send them another letter stating that I never received any form of collection letter from them, and make them validate. But if they refuse, I'm not sure where to take it. To tell you the truth, I would like to take their sleezy butts to court on violations of the FDCPA, but I don't know if I have any grounds to stand on. I'm at a stand still at the moment. HELP would be appreciated. I want to string these guys up....
  2. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the Arrow Sucks S*** Club! Myself and Keller, along with a number of other folks are currently fighting them.

    If you do a search on Arrow, you'll find plenty of reading material. I faxed my Notice of Intent to Sue letter today.
  3. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    By the way, I'm hoping that they send me this letter so I can write them back that they never sent me any letters. They tried to, but they sent it to an address that doesn't exist and I know the mail was returned!

    As far as not being obligated to validate the debt, that's total BS. If they are reporting it, they are obligated. You may want to look at the FCRA for the section that states this.

    HAVE they noted your dispute? Funny, they haven't noted MINE!

    If they have no proof that they sent you anything (ie a CRRR, then I'd deny that too).

    If it's worth your time, I'd go to court. They're slick. Apparently, they think they are above the law. I'd also note in the letter you send them, demanding validation AGAIN, that they have more that XXX complaints with the BBB and a previous class action lawsuit - their record speaks for itself.

  4. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the response. I hate these bas**rds as well. They seem to have every excuse in the book for not obeying the law. I have disputes out with the credit bureaus right now, and if they come back with "verified", I think I will go ahead and sue them, since they are verifiying invalidated information to the credit bureaus, and that is illegal as well.

    Also, my credit reports don't say "account disputed by consumer" as required by law when an account is under validation. These guys really suck.

    Let me know if you sue them, I want to know how that goes..
  5. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    I didn't send the letter today....oops! I faxed it though.

    I'll be sending it CRRR tomorrow. They have until April 17 and then it's on.

  6. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Well, unless that can ultimately prove that they sent you an initial validation letter, they can't say that you don't have a right to validation.

    I just pulled my reports a couple of months ago, saw Arrow on there and sent them a letter 3 weeks ago stating they I had no idea of what they were trying to put on my report, but that they better offer up some validation.

    Tell, Arrow to kiss your you know what!!! I plan to tell that to them when they start to screw me over as well! Good luck in dealing with them and keep us apprised of your progress. :)

  7. Keller

    Keller Well-Known Member



    Shantel, I am faxing my INTENT TO SUE LETTER, tomorrow!

    By, the way, they tried the same B.S. on me about the "YOU CAN NO LONGER VALIDATE". WHAT-EVER! I never received anything in the mail! And just in case, my memory doesn't serve me, please forward the Return Receipts that you got from the USPS with my signature on it.

    Remember, these "YAY-HOO'S" aren't used to dealing with people who aren't scared to fight them! 90% of the people they deal with are as intimidated as WE once were!
  8. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    I would like to sue these a** holes also, but I am waiting for them to verify my latest CRA dispute so I can nail them for verifying an account that is under validation.

    I guess I am the latest member of the ARROW AVENGERS! Tell me, are you suing them pro-se or are you using an attorney? Could you provide me some details and background on the case you have? I would be very grateful. I want to be as armed as possible when I sue the pants off of these jokers..
  9. IndyGreg

    IndyGreg Well-Known Member

    I had an Arrow Financial Services entry for a charged 0ff credit card. Ultimately, Arrow was forced to delete the account when I kindly informed them of their numerous FDCPA violations including failure to provide validation, failure to mark the account as disputed, adding the account to my TU report after it was in dispute and prior to validation, contacting me by telephone after written notice that I did not wish to receive phone calls. In short, they'll act like they're above the law UNTIL you show them that you know your rights. Then, they'll cave.

    Also, if you are dealing with the Lincolnwood office watch out for some BS excuse about mail being re-directed to the Wisconsin office for validation requests and therefore taking longer than 30 days. Like their incompetent mail handling supercedes Federal Law!!

    So, keep at them and keep good records. You'll win.

  10. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Here's a interesting class action lawsuit they are currently in also...... Are any of you in NY? this may benefit you even more, if not you can reference the fact their numerous violations, BBB, compaints and classaction lawsuit. It worked for me, they wanted to settle, i said no, and immediately got a new letter stating they were deleting from bureaus.... Just keep pounding them with everyday factual info and ammo from this board......
  11. Keller

    Keller Well-Known Member

    I am just going the CIVIL Court route. Simpler, and I know that I'll win by default because they aren't going to show.

    IndyGreg & backspace. . . Can you post or email me with the letter(s) that you used that worked for you? It WOULD be nice if I "DON'T" have to waste my time on the COURT ROUTE. I have them on the same violations as you. I am just wondering just how much info I need to throw at them before they will cave. Thanks in advance!


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Add me to the list. They sent me dunning letter from where they bought one of my charge offs. I sent them a validation letter about three weeks ago, have not gotten a response. As far as I know they have not entered anything onto my credit reports.
  13. josethemar

    josethemar Well-Known Member

    This company is the biggest load of crap other than gulf state i have ever come across. i sent them validation letter after validation letter but no response. that was back when i started to fix my credit, i did not know much. but i disputed the item with the credit bureau and by some miracle of god the COULD NOT VALIDATE THE DEBT AND IT HAD TO BE REMOVED!!!!! now arrow can go to HELL!!
  14. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    My goodness, look at the parade!

    This is amazing! By the way, I'm not NY however, I DO have the information on their class action lawsuit, in addition to the list of complaints on the BBB.

    I'm really ready! Today, I get this great little letter in the mail, "Thanks for your promise to pay". PROMISE TO PAY? WTH? I never promise to pay anything. Funny, they sent this the day after I faxed my notice of intent.

    We'll see how *happy* they are when they get served. Punks! Grrrrrrrr!
  15. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member


    I am really interested to see how your suit against them pans out. I will likely be following your lead.
  16. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Keller and Love, I can't find my letter i sent them, but i basically just used the validation letter here and put all kinds of negative pub they are having. I cited the classactionamerica class action suit, BBB complaints, peer complaints, FTC and AG complaints. Just like someone else said, they are use to scaring the timid debtor, like i use to be, but this board has given me spinach......
  17. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    Would any of you happen to know which jurisdiction I have to file suit against Arrow Financial Services in? I live in Missouri and they are located in Illinois. I believe that I can file in my local court, but I'm not sure. I have read that sometimes the suit must be filed in the court closest to the defendant's location.
  18. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    The consumer files in their own jurisdiction.

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