I just received a voicemail here at work (I have NO idea where they got this number from) from Arrow Financial Services, stupidly I called back, I talked to this guy he said I have an outstanding and growing balance from JcPenny, apparantly the high balance was $333 according to him, it is now up to over $500.00 and growing at an interest rate of 18% so he says. I asked him to send this in writing, he snaps back rudely and says well they have with the past 8 letters they sent, he said some other jumbo and then changed the ammount of letters and said the last 11 letters, ok whatever, so he wasn't about to send anymore letters. He offered me a settlement of $300.00 which is $33 less than the high balance, and the offer is only good for another 1/2 hour (whatever) and if he takes that payment still at some point in July they will mark it settled in full with all 3 credit bureaus with a $0.00 balance. He said as of tomorrow (again he is contradicting himself) this balance will go back to the $500.00 and some change and still grow at 18%. What do I do? I can muster up the $300.00 to pay him, but I would like to wait until at least the 2nd week in August if possible, but I am sure that won't happen with them. I just don't know what to do, I dont recall getting any of these letters from them at all, honestly, and I just want this to go away. Any help..and fast would be appreciated. THank you!
Is the account actually yours? Is the balance he is claiming actually owed? How do you know? He won't put it in writing, and he keeps changing his story. How do you know he won't change it again once he gets some of your money? Is this the first contact you have received from Arrow on this matter? Have you pulled your reports, and seen whether either Arrow, or JCPenney, is reporting anything? Oh, I forgot. It's the end of the month.
Yes I had a JcPenny card in the past. I just cheked my truecredit.com reports and yes the JcPenny is out there and on one of them it does say $333.00.
Just because they say they sent letters doesn't mean they did, or that they sent them to any address where you might actually have received them. How old is this debt? When was the last payment made?
I asked them to verify the address, and it is the address I currently reside at, and have been for the past 2 1/2 years. The debt was opened in 2001, honestly the last pay on it was probably mid to late 2002 at the absolute latest.
Of course they probably know your current address. They probably pulled your reports, whether they ever sent a letter or not. All you have confirmed is that they have no excuse for you not having received any of the letters they claim they sent.