Arrow Financial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by darkdoj, Mar 22, 2002.

  1. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    For all those dealing with Arrow Financial Services, I've got one for you:

    I called the head cheese of the company. Will post information later. They sent me a letter a few days ago saying I owed some outrageous bill for something that was a mistake on the part of an old cc company they bought it from. (I have the original letter apologizing for the mistake, BTW it's not even being reported!) I have them on recording being rude. So I call every day this week, leave my name and play parts of the recordings for him over the phone on voicemail. I don't think I've ever been cussed at by a CA before. I found out that they don't even have my SSN. That's why they keep getting rude with me when I won't give it to them. I think I'm going to call twice a day and bug the agent. He couldn't speak english very well and I know it's rude, but I had to ask how long he'd been in the US.

    Too funny if you ask me.
  2. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    that is too funny!!! btw, how long has he been in the us?
  3. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who knows a guy who called a CA every day to whine about his student loan. this went on for SO LONG that they finally signed off on the loan permenantly, just to make him quite calling. Evidently he was pretty good at whining
  4. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    I was thinking, I have another lawsuit comming up against another CA. Maybe I can hire Arrow Financial to collect the settlement after I win.
  5. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    This has been going on all week, so far I've gotten to phone calls telling to stop f*ing calling our offices. It's hilarious to hear them tell me to stop calling them. I asked for the legal department one time and was passed to someone that sounded like the janitor. When I gave him my name, he sighed for a moment and hung up. I figure if I can get them back for 1 ounce of what they do to others, it'll make my day and maybe brighten someone elses. I couldn't stop laughing the last time they called, the guy couldn't even get through STOP when I busted out laughing and he hung up.
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Careful...they can report this to the phone company to have the calls traced and you could end up in some hot water. Harrassing phone calls are against the law and what you are doing would, imho, constitute harrassment. Sorry to stick my two cents in here, but would hate to see any of my fellow credit netters get in trouble.

  7. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    Who's harassing who? They called me at 10:45PM the first time they called me. Harassment by some BS collection agency is okay, but harassing a collection agency isn't? I hope they turn me over to the phone company / file suit against me. The tapes I have will just about murder them in court. I'd be happy to have them sue me, I'd love to see the look on their faces. Arrow Financial is in pretty hot water for their collection tactics. I'm just showing them what a bother it is for them to call people late at night and harass them, cuss at them and then hang up. That's Arrow Financial's style. I'd love to see them try..

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