Ok, a county sherrif comes to my house and serves a Summons from Arrow...for a Providian account that is not on my reports. All that is there is on Equifax and it is for the collection account by Arrow. I moved this year (just bought my first house after 12 years of renting...^%#$% I knew something would go wrong!) so what do I do? I never validated this because it dropped off all 3 last year when I disputed as "Not mine"...I got a mortgage in May and it wasn't on there. I get nothing from Arrow (not even a call) at my new number and address until this summons. The date to file my written appearance is February 1, next Tuesday. I am the main breadwinner in my house of 2 kids and I don't have money for an attorney, so could someone please tell me what the hell to do? It is for $1,629.11. Will it go to court? Will I have to pay it in full? I don't want my wages garnished, so I need to know what to do. Please help!