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ARS/Citibank will not delete...settle anyway?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by daves, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. daves

    daves New Member

    I received a letter back from Associated Recovery systems stating that they will not delete information from the credit reports, they will only change it to an R5 status instead of R9. The PFD was to settle a $2207 account for $1125, which by my calculations is what I should owe them. The DLA on this was in 2002, which generally would be past the SOL, but I just learned that in the state of FL the 4 yr SOL is suspended if you move out of state, and I moved out for 2 years, leaving another 2 years left. Should I go ahead and settle with them??
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Sure, or counter for a lower amount, although unlikely since you did a PFD.

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